Making my mystery block of the month: January

You’ll have seen that I plan to complete Sherri’s mystery block a month quilt and yesterday I shared the test blocks which I made into my third Project Linus quilt, well today I’m sharing the log cabin block I made for my own quilt.

So while I knew that I’d use the Lewis and Irene fabric bundle which I picked up at the Newark Quilt Show in January for the block’s centres, I didn’t know what to use for the borders. I wanted something quite bold for one of the colour ways, as our house is predominantly white, and although I like that I’m also keen to add colour through accessories and furnishings.

But it was the borders that made me think twice, and more than twice really. I ummed and ahhed about whether I should add them as I go along, or wait until the final block is completed later in the year. The pluses for delaying meant it would give me longer to decide which fabric to use and I could be sure I had enough of that; but the downsides were that there would be a lot of quilt still to complete at the end of the year, and the chances of that happening could be low. But I might not have enough material to use the same on the borders throughout, though I remembered that it really didn’t matter so much on the quilt I’d just completed - but you see my dilemma.

In the end I just got sewing, and hoped I’d work it out along the way!

Sewing the central block

Having completed the test blocks I felt pretty confident to try the block for my own quilt; as well as learning how not to cut off the point of the roof, I also learnt that I preferred the darker border colours on the bottom half of the block, and the lighter ones on the top. Perhaps for this block because they were representative of the ground and the sky respectively - who knows.

I’ve also worked out recently that pulling the fabrics together for a quilt is one of the most enjoyable aspects for me, but while I thought these were busy, I thought they would probably work.

But with the block sewn, I was less sure. The more I looked at it the more I was less sure - and nor did that help my borders dilemma. When looking at it again with fresh eyes, and realising the thing that pleased me most about the sewn block (on the left in the picture below) was the placement of the door handle, I realised it was time to try again.

However perfect and completely unintentional the door handle placement was!

The sewn block using the fabrics laid out, and an alternative layout of fabrics

And so I tried a second combination of fabrics - one that’s much less busy, and introduces a plainer element for the sky. This worked so much better, even though this time the door has no handle.

Happier with my block it was time to deal with the dilemma.

Adding borders, or not?

I tried many combinations before I made my decision, but as you can see I’ve added borders.

My main concern was not having enough fabric and ending up with a quilt that looks as if it was of two halves. But in the end I’ve made peace with myself and have mitigated this as far as I can. I’ve bought an extra metre of both of the outer light borders, ideally I’d have bought a metre of the pale background star border too, but I was only able to get half a metre of that. So the lights will be my constant, or that’s the plan anyway.

For the darks - or the bold jade green borders, the material is much older and hunting down similar quantities wasn’t going to happen, but I do have other toning fabrics which were all part of the same set. I think they came from either a magazine subscription or a competition win, but I have ten or so of similarly coloured AGF fabrics which I’ll use interchangeably. The colour will be the constant rather than the pattern for this border, and I’m pretty sure it will work.

And so, on went the borders.

My completed january block

I’m really pleased with how it turned out, and I know it’s bold - but that’s also by design as my working theory is that this will be a quilt for our spare bedroom which will have a rather ornate headboard (well it will once I’ve recovered it!).

So it needed to be bold to get the attention I’m sure it will warrant once its complete.

Join me next month to see how I get on with the next mystery block, and check out my posts which contain charity quilts made from the test blocks.

A log cabin log cabin quilt

In my recent post where I shared my quilt plans for the year I mentioned my ‘stretch’ project to complete a quilt from the test blocks from Sherri at A Quilting Life’s mystery block a month quilt. And in fairness the January block was super cute and helped the idea to form. As I said I don’t know if I’ll manage it, but then again I won’t know unless I try will I…

My third donation quilt

I’ve named this one the log cabin log cabin quilt - a simple play on words that never fails to make me smile - with a little house in the middle there really was no other name for it. For non-quilters the pattern surrounding the central house is known as a log cabin block, traditionally with half using dark fabrics and the other half using light fabrics. Even from the start, when I pulled these orange and green fabrics from my stash it made me smile.

The benefits of doing test blocks was immediately apparent, as I lost the roof point in my first block (the alphabet house, bottom left in the image above), but I worked out what I’d done wrong and corrected that for the other three blocks. So for that alone it was worth doing - and knowing how to avoid that particular mishap in my own block of the month.

I started adding the log cabin borders, which when complete means the blocks measure 18 inches, and while there’s just four blocks they are a similar size to the previous quilts I’m donating. I needed to stop and reconsider my options as I’d miscalculated how much of the plain peach material I’d need, and how much I had. Which long story short, wasn’t enough for the remaining two blocks.

I thought about purchasing a small amount of a similar coloured fabric for continuity, but this went against my plan to use materials from my stash - and as you can see, I opted to use more of the alphabet fabric in its place. And then I needed to stop again, as I happily added the white and grey flowery fabric to the dark section instead of the light borders.

Some unpicking was required!

But I was soon back on track and ready to join the blocks and add the borders - you’d never know I’d run out of peach would you?

The four completed blocks laid out on the carpet

Around this time I took delivery of my new sewing machine, so this quilt was put to one side while I got used to that - but now it’s finished, and finished using my new machine - and I couldn’t be happier.

The finished quilt - with the bottom corner folded over to show the backing fabric

Some of the fabrics in this quilt I’ve had for a long time, and some are pre-loved fabrics from old clothes and even old curtains - but I’m glad they worked so well together and have this new lease of life. I’ve used the orange squared fabric (which was old curtains - you may recognise it as I also made myself a bag using this material last summer)

The completed quilt draped over my kitchen sofa

You can see my other quilts which I’ve made to donate to Project Linus - a charity whose mission is to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children, who are sick, disabled, disadvantaged or distressed through the donation of new, homemade, washable quilts and blankets, including those that are part of this ‘stretch’ project in earlier posts. I’m aiming to publish an update on my progress in the last week of each month for the remainder of 2025.

Loving Lisa Leverton's Tula Pink Obsession at the Newark Quilt Show

Each January Newark holds the first quilt show of the year, this was my second year attending - and, what a difference a year makes. This year I went along on both days, once with people from my sewing group and then again with my SIL. Last year I went alone, and knew no one - it was still a great day out, but this year it was good to have company. I also bumped into people I’d met on workshops, more sewing group people and I even did a workshop too - though I haven’t picked that up since, oops!

One of the series of quilts I was keen to see, and I knew my SIL would be too, were the Tula Pink fabrics and patterns in Lisa Leverton’s quilts. I’ve been seriously influenced on Tula Pink by my SIL and my EPP hexi sewing machine mat uses her fabrics - though on a much smaller scale!

In the show notes Lisa said that she didn’t discover Tula Pink until 2019 and she’s been smitten ever since. It’s easy to see why as the fabrics and patterns are bright and vibrant and tend to focus on animals big and small, and there’s so much detail in them. Lisa said that during lockdown she found more like-minded quilters who loved Tula too - there’s quite a following, and she hopes to make a quilt from every one of the fabric collections.

What she has already is an amazing start, and each is stunningly beautiful, here I’m sharing some of my favourites.


I love the diamonds and the colours of this one - and that how, the more you look, the more you see!


The colours! The patterns! What’s not to like? This is Lisa’s first quilt in Tula Pink fabric - it’s easy to see why she’s smitten, but all the fussy cutting might have done me in!

Misdirection Quilt by Lisa Leverton at the Newark Quilt Show 2025


This is the one I’d happily put on my bed - and it’s contributing to how I see my flying geese turning out, though I won’t be using Tula Pink fabrics, or these colours, but it’s helping me form what I want along with one or two other designs I’ve seen.


Again it’s the graduating colours for me in this one, this time against a plain light background - but if you look closely, there’s plenty of fussy cutting again in those blocks.

It’s all about the detail

In this next series of photos, it’s all about the detail in the fabrics - the quilts are equally stunning and Lisa is clearly a very talented quilter - as is Tula a very talented designer.

PART OF THE BIG BANG QUILT - 2024, LISA LEVERTON at the Newark Quilt Show 2025


PART OF THE BUTTERFLY QUILT - 2022, LISA LIVERTON at the Newark Quilt Show 2025


I think what amazes me about the fabrics is how the designs and part-patterns meld together so well and can look completely different from what it did on the bolt, or the cutting table in front of you. I guess that’s true of all fabrics, but perhaps it’s the boldness of the Tula Pink designs which makes this more prominent.


And one final quilt

Yes, I couldn’t resist sharing this one. Lisa says this is possibly her favourite quilt of the whole collection, which she made in 2020 and her first encounter of very tiny HSTs (Half Square Triangles). The show notes say that Lisa loves how the colours pop, and the big on-point squares with the fussy-cut animals.

OPENING NIGHT QUILT - 2020, LISA LEVERTON at the Newark Quilt Show 2025


There were so many more inspiring quilts at the show, and many more which I want to share - so there’ll be at least one or two more posts, so look out for those. But in the meantime, enjoy these quilting works of art.