* I was invited to the press preview for and provided with a pair of tickets to Gardeners’ World Live so I’m marking posts from the show as 'Ad’ - as usual my views and opinions are very much my own.
We had a brilliant overnight trip to Birmingham last week for Gardeners’ World Live. I’d not been to the press preview event before, and it’s definitely something I’d do again if I’m invited. It was so nice to see the gardens with fewer people about, and to really chat to those on each garden. We had tickets for the show the next day as well and that made for a more relaxed viewing of everything to see - usually getting to see everything in a day can be hard work.
Overnight we stayed in the Fredericks Street Townhouse in the Jewellery Quarter of the city (paid for, not gifted) - an area we’d not visited before, not to stay or even wander around. It’s a great part of town, and it’s on my list of places in Birmingham to explore further - the buildings alone must have so much history.
But back to the show, here’s just some of my highlights - I’ve so much more to share but am still trying to take it relatively easy while my hand is bandaged. Though the bandage is much grubbier than it was, which I’m taking as an indication that my hand is healing and therefore I am naturally using it more.
Fontana Garden by Kim Parish
For me the tree top room in the Fontana Garden by Kim Parish is the iconic image from this year’s show. At the awards ceremony on the Wednesday, where garden designers learnt of their award, we also learnt that Monty would be opening the show from here, and he did.
This garden celebrates Cornwall and Cornish gardens with inspiration from the sponsor’s own garden, Fontana - wouldn’t it be a dream to have a garden just like this?
The garden right next door had a completely different feel bringing a touch of industrial charm using reclaimed materials. I loved the screen made of scaffold planks for its impact, and heard others also say - it’s got a shelf - but I’m sure it will also attract wildlife, a good thing, but I’m less keen on sharing it with the spiders.
Path of Renewal by David Negus
The Newson Health Menopause Garden by Ruth Gwynn was stunning, and very worthy of its Platinum award, and the best in show. It was designed as a safe, tranquil and comfortable space for women to reflect on their health. Ruth and Dr Louise Newson spoke at the Wednesday ceremony about their garden, and both were just so inspiring, saying that menopause was something that directly affects 51% of the population, and indirectly affects 49% of the population. That brought a wry smile from the women present, and a slightly delayed one from other members of the audience.
The Newson Health Menopause Garden by Ruth Gwynn
When we saw this garden the bath looked so inviting, that for more than a moment I wasn’t sure that MOH wasn’t going to actually try it out or not (he didn’t!).
Escaping Seasons of The Mind by Lilidh Matthews & John Tallis
I loved the structure of the Escaping Seasons of The Mind garden, and I’m a big fan of corten steel, but when I spoke with Lilidh about the garden and what the posts and the journey through the garden represent, it was clear how much thought went into this garden design. Much more than I can do in a short paragraph, so watch out for more on this one, but until then enjoy the decorative corten and planting on display.
It’ll be no surprise to anyone that I was drawn to Sue Kent’s In the Pink Beautiful Border, and it was just as pink as you thought it might be, and then some. It was also a well deserved Plantinum winner.
In the Pink by Sue Kent
A fantastic display by the National Allotment Society
I’m a sucker for vegetables growing in ordered straight rows - most likely because it’s something I’ve never and ever likely to achieve! But I admire those that can, and I’d expect nothing less from the National Allotment Society to be honest.
Also in the floral marquee it was good to see the Barnsdale Gardens stand. They are celebrating 40 years - Geoff Hamilton moved to the current site of the gardens in 1983. I don’t remember him as a Gardeners’ World presenter but we have visited the gardens and they are amazing, and we’re glad that we will soon (hopefully) be living much closer to them to visit again.
The final beautiful border that I’m sharing is one that’s something quite different. It also won awards, including for the best interpretation of the theme, which this year was ‘My Garden Escape’. And no doubt for the best name (if there was an award) as despite its name - Keep Off The Grass by James Fenneberg - had no actual grass.
Keep Off The Grass! by James Fenneberg
The garden transports you through the use of plants and materials - the agaves, and volcanic sand were stunning as were the yellow red hot pokers (another favourite of mine!). James was also one of the few garden designers perpetually armed with a hose or watering can too, and given the weather and increasing temperatures with our changing climate, it’s something more of us are no doubt likely to be giving more thought too.
There’s still so much more to share though, and over the summer I’ll be dipping back into my Gardeners’ World Live photos and sharing more of the gardens with you - as well as the wheelbarrows, always a favourite of mine. If you can’t wait, then I’ve saved a highlight onto my Instagram profile, so pop over there and see more.
* With thanks to Gardeners’ World for inviting me to Gardeners’ World Live this year, it was fabulous.