The Garden Year: June 2024

Welcome back to this month’s Garden Year linky - if you were here last month, it was great to see you. If you’re joining for the first time, you’re very welcome. The linky will stay open for the whole month, so I hope you’ll pop back during the month. I’m looking forward to reading about your garden projects and garden visits.

This month I’m looking forward to enjoying our garden, we had a week away in May and spent some time exploring the Gargano Peninsular which included a couple of nights in the Foresta Umbra - look out for some posts about that, and our trip as a whole, and let me know what you’ve been up to garden-wise, what’s going on in your gardens this past month, or the gardens you’ve visited.

Have a good month!

Advice, inspiration and places to visit


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The Garden Year: May 2024

Welcome back to this month’s Garden Year linky - if you were here last month, it was great to see you. If you’re joining for the first time, you’re very welcome. The linky will stay open for the whole month, so I hope you’ll pop back during the month. I’m looking forward to reading about your garden projects and garden visits.

Happy bank holiday, isn’t May great?! It’s been a slow start to gardening here this year which is mostly due to the weather - it hasn’t been the most inspiring, and it’s actually been cold, much colder than it should be at this time of year. For the first time in a couple of years though I have sown some seeds - I’m starting small with some sunflowers, but I’m hoping they’ll grow big and tall! Moving house really did mess with my growing my own, at first because I was hopeful and optimistic that it would happen quickly, and then more realistically about moving plants as they were growing as I wasn’t sure I wanted to leave them for the new owners!

I don’t have a greenhouse in this garden (yet), so that’s brought its own challenges especially with the temperatures I mentioned before. Anyway, I’m keen to read what you’ve been up to in your gardens, or the gardens you’ve visited so can’t wait to read the posts you link.

Advice, inspiration and places to visit


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The Garden Year: April 2024

Welcome back to this month’s Garden Year linky - the first one of 2024. If you’re joining for the first time, you’re very welcome. The linky will stay open for the whole month, so I hope you’ll pop back during the month. I’m looking forward to reading about your garden projects and garden visits.

With Easter early this year there’s already been an early opportunity to get out into the garden - did you manage to start gardening? I’ve been away visiting family, but I’m hoping we’ll start to see some warmer and more Spring-like weather to help out with that. I definitely need my garden to dry out after what has been a very wet winter. The extent of our gardening so far has been moving around pots of daffodils, and welcoming the tulips - that’s it, so a very slow start to the gardening year for me!

I can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to, but if you need a nudge to get out into your garden, or out visiting those around you, here’s some links which may help.

Advice, inspiration and places to visit


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