* This item was gifted by Spear & Jackson
A collapsible and compact bucket at that. And while I never thought I’d rave quite so much about a collapsible bucket, I also have to apologise for the title of this post. As soon as the phrase popped into my mind, it reminded me of the Brian Conley “it’s a puppet” catchphrase from the 90s, which was big in our family. But rave about a bucket, I am - and of the two things I’ve just mentioned, be grateful it’s the bucket.
And yes, it really is a bucket, not a frisbee, although…
Seriously, when I saw it my first thoughts were “that’d be great for under the sink.” Our buckets have been relegated to the shed, which is all well and good when you can plan, but when you can’t it’s not so good to have your bucket supply a hundred yards away. We’ve not been in an emergency bucket situation (thankfully) but I think MOH knows that if we were, it’d be his job to hunt the bucket down.
Anyway, back to the actual bucket which is easy to pop up and down, it’s one of the new products from Spear and Jackson and well, can be used like a bucket. It’s made from silicone, retails for £8.99, has a pouring lip and a handle (like buckets do) and a potential useful hangy-up thing. Because even though I’ve said it’ll be useful to keep it under the sink, there’s still very little room there so hanging it on the back of the door could be the way to go. I’ve a feeling that MOH will be keen to make this work, especially when he learns of his bucket fetching duties, should the need arise.
And one more thing that made me smile - so much so that all the pictures I have are slightly blurred - the bucket matches my slippers, how serendipitous is that?
* While this item was gifted by Spear & Jackson, I was under no obligation to share it here on my blog.