Four black and white pictures

I’d been at a loss for some artwork for our bedroom wall. We had one picture on the wall in our previous house, and that wasn’t right for here so I needed to come up with something else. And I really wasn’t sure.

In the end I took inspiration from an existing picture we had - remember back in March 2020 I shared a photo of mine that finally got on the wall with some help from Photowall?

But I wasn’t sure if where I had in mind would work, so I mocked it up.

4 sheets of paper taped to the wall to test if the layout worked

And so for the next few weeks or so, I tweaked their positions - up a bit, down a bit, together a bit more and so on. Finally I was happy and then my attention turned to choosing the images.

We had the rocks from our holiday in Cornwall back in 2014, and I knew I had a picture of storks nesting from a holiday in Portugal. But what else? The good news is I found some.

And I used Photowall again, this time paying for my additional three images to be framed.

The service was still good, and it was easy to upload my images and create my artwork, though I hadn’t realised that they’d changed their frames so the three new frames are a slightly different finish to the one I already had. I was disappointed that the frames and pictures came separately though, and I had to assemble them myself once they arrived - not a huge thing, but a definite difference to my previous experience.

That said, I’m still very happy with the end result. Of course when they arrived I spent more than intended on their layout - thankfully for MOH on the carpet rather than the wall (as there was also a difference in the positioning of the sawtooth picture hanger).

I decided on this layout.

And don’t they look great on the wall?

The four black and white pictures hung on the wall above a light wood chest of drawers

MOH did a great job, under extreme pressure to get the gaps right!!

And as you’re wondering what the images are, they’re (clockwise from top left):

  • A view towards Greenwich from the Thames Path

  • Storks nesting on telegraph poles in the Alentejo in Portugal

  • A flooded field in Elston, one of the villages close to our new home

  • A rock formation from our trip to Cornwall back in 2014.

And all are photos we’ve taken ourselves, and there’s nothing better to have on our walls - our memories captured by us - at some point I’ll do a post about each of the four photos we chose and why.


Celebrating two years of the Loo Series

Now isn't this an odd thing. No, not my obsession with a good loo - surely you're used to that by now, but I've randomly been sharing those good loos here for two years. I know, hasn't it gone quickly.

The odd thing is that my first post almost two years ago to the day, was of the loos at the new Flat Iron in Covent Garden and without any planning at all, two years on I'm sharing the loos at the Flat Iron in Denmark Street.

I'd love to say that was planned, but it wasn't. It's clear though that Flat Iron do have some very good loos!  Although when I saw this sign in the Denmark Street restaurant I wasn't quite sure what I'd find...

unisex loos at Flat Iron in Denmark Street
Black and white artwork in the loos

It wasn't anywhere near as bad as my expectations, but I did opt for the door with the ladies loo sign on, just in case.  It was the wall art though that really made this small loo, it's pretty unique isn't it?

Interesting wall art at the Flat iron restaurant

It was only afterwards that I realised the centre cow (bull?) had a bell, and I can't help but wonder if anyone ever rings it, and why!

In fact at the time I was much more amused by the choice of handwash.

Obviously this is the perfect hand wash for these loos

What else?! 

I'll finish this post with a picture from the restaurant, mainly to prove that I do take other pictures in restaurants, and because it really is a rather gorgeous light.

Just to prove I'm not just all about the loos

The food too was good, but I must remember to order a medium rare steak for this cut of meat, MOH's tasted so much better than my rare one. But that could always be because it was on his plate...