Post Comment Love 11-13 September

Welcome to this week’s #PoCoLo - a friendly linky which I co-host with Suzanne, where you can link any post published in the last week. We know you’ll find some great posts to read, and maybe some new-to-you blogs too, so do pop over and visit some of the posts linked and share some of that love.

It’s been a quiet blog week for me, in fact I’ve not posted since last week’s linky. So therefore unusually I’ve no post to add this week. I’m still finding that I’m having too much screen time for work, rather than fun, so need to have a serious word with myself.

Like many people, I’m sure, the most recent government changes have meant more work, reviewing arrangements and plans that we’ve been working on for a while. Clearly a pandemic isn’t too concerned about that, and seeing the number of infections rise is worrying - as is the media’s coverage of young people right now. It’s hardly the way to encourage people, of any age, to do the right thing is it? Calling students going, or returning to university, a migration really doesn’t sit well with me, but let’s not go there.

In other ways this week has been a busy week. A doctor’s appointment for a regular blood test, as it turned out the first in rather a long while (and not just for Covid reasons) which meant rather more attention than I expected, some new tablets and what seems to be the obligatory bruise following a blood test.

I’m fine, if not a little perplexed by all the attention, let alone navigating the doctor’s surgery and its rules in this strange new world of ours. In the past week I’ve had an actual appointment (it’s hard to take blood remotely), two telephone consultations and another booked for next week. And next week’s appointment was booked in by the doctor while he was on the phone to me, so it’s been a little overwhelming too in some ways.

The new tablets come in a fancy bronze strip, which clearly makes them much more effective… or I hope it does at least. I also think the crook of my arm is going to need to toughen up as there’s promises of further blood tests for monitoring purposes, that or we’ll have to make the bruised look, the look to have right now.

Seriously I’m fine, I’m doing my best to follow the advice, and true to form have reverted to a good old spreadsheet to record pretty much everything. I know that once it’s in there, it’s stored and therefore ok to let go of from the active part of my brain, so that should also help too.

new tablets

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