Towering vegetables

After yesterday’s plot update, I’m staying with veg for today’s post and I’ll freely admit to a little bit of veg envy, but buckets of admiration for this fantastic display of vegetables at this year’s Chelsea Flower Show. Not only are they expertly displayed, they look fantastic, don’t they?

 I was as mesmerised by the display as ever, along with the uniformity of the produce too. While I might be able to grow veg on the allotment, with more success than others in some of our choices, I’m not sure I’ll ever rival these, or display my beans like this!


And like all good displays there’s plenty to keep your eye entertained, the more I look at these photos the more I see. Like the vine tomatoes grown on the left of the picture above, the round yellow cucumbers that really do look like lemons (also the photo above, centre bottom) and the contrasting unruliness of the rebel red peppers (top right)

But there was veg in pots too, and pots really are a viable option for veg - in fact I’m contemplating keeping some tomatoes in pots, and in the greenhouse this year, rather than on the plot in an attempt to avoid blight. 


Everything just looked so vibrant, and well, edible. I hadn’t realised that this stall was the nursery that is “home to to the mammoth onion” or else I might have paid them more attention. 


Talking of tomatoes I was pleased to see a mix of known and new-to-me varieties, the naming of the variety “big green” did make me smile, because they were big and they were green - there was no hype in that name, was there?


Actually I do have a shot of some large onions. Compare those at the bottom of the pyramid to the tomatoes alongside them, and they are pretty large.


We’ve had success with beans on our plot, and long may that continue. This year we didn’t manage any broad beans, but seeing them at the bottom of the shot below, reminds me I should add some to my shopping list soon.


So, it’s not just flowers at the Chelsea Flower Show, there’s expertly displayed veg too providing a both a smile and the inspiration to get back over to our plot and start on that digging...
