Hello there and welcome to this week’s #PoCoLo a friendly linky where you can link any post published in the last week. If you were here last week it was great to see you, and if you’re new here this week then you’re very welcome. Both Morgan and I know you’ll find some great posts to read, maybe some new-to-you blogs too, so do pop over to some of the posts linked and take the time to leave a comment or two so that everyone benefits from some extra love.
We’re taking a break next week and #PoCoLo will return on 26 April.
The past few weeks life has got in the way for me so I’ve plenty of catching up to do. With Easter approaching - I know, how? - I’m hoping to use some of that time constructively. I’ve been in that place where you have so much to do and on your mind that it completely immobilises you, and nothing ends up getting done.
You might have seen on my Instagram stories that I’ve been suffering with pain in my hips, and have been for a few months and that course of Vitamin D tablets were to help with that. They did, and my body is holding on to Vitamin D now which is good news, but the pain persists. The tests have ruled out Polymyalgia, which I never really thought it was in any case, now I’m on some new tablets which I’m hopeful will help.
What didn’t help is a fall down the stairs - well one step- at work Monday evening. I’m not sure how it happened, but I ended up bruising a knuckle and my knee and lightly headbutting the wall. It wasn’t the most conventional of landings and I’m not sure whether to be pleased or embarrassed that someone was following behind and able to pick me up. Since then I’ve been concentrating on walking more successfully, let’s hope that continues!
Photo by Lindsay Henwood on Unsplash
Blogger Showcase: Bethany from New Age Dream Chick
1 Who are you?
My name is Bethany Boggs. I am a freelancer and owner of both DIYmommy18.com and newagedreamchick.com. I have 2 kids, a toddler and an elementary schooler and I have been married almost 9 years. In February, I finally got my first dream interpretation reference book published on Lulu publishing. It’s a guided dream analysis journal. I started studying dream interpretation at the age of seven, I’m 31 now and continue studying. Writing is my number one passion and hobby. My others are crafting, sewing and cooking/baking.
2 How did you discover blogs/blogging?
I can’t remember how I discovered blogging, to be honest. My first blog was started in 2006 but I didn’t understand anything about generating traffic nor did I stick with it. I have had four or five blogs total before I started Newagedreamchick.com in 2017.
3 Why did you start blogging?
I started as a way of trying to put my knowledge of dreams and dream interpretation out there for other people to read. That’s one of the ways I got my name, NewAgeDreamChick. This blog also started out with the intent of being both a writing portfolio for getting writing jobs, but also to tie in to my Etsy shop (same name) where I do dream analysis (among other things).
4 What do you find most challenging?
The part I find most challenging is coming up with a schedule. I prefer writing when I want, which can easily be multiple times a day then skipping two or three days. Staying with a set schedule is hard for me with most anything.
5 What is your favourite topic to write about?
My favourite topic to write about varies. I love writing about parenting or other topics that get me googling and researching.
6 Are you blogging for fun or do you have goals?
I am both blogging for fun and with goals. I won’t go into detail about the goals, but I am trying to get my name out while I’m working on writing a couple books I want to either get published or self publish. Writing is one of my true passions, so if I can work up to making a living doing it, it would be great.
7 What is your favourite thing about blogging?
My favourite thing about blogging is hitting “publish” after working on a long post. Some of my posts took over a month to fully write and research.
8 Have you ever attended a blogging conference and if so, what did you think?
No. I would love to get the chance to attend a conference, though.
9 What are your 3 best posts?
I’m not sure what my “best” posts would be. Some of my favorites would be
10 Describe yourself in three words
Creative, airheaded, intelligent
11 Are you a tea and biscuits or coffee and cake person?
I’m neither, I’m more of a coffee and cookie type.
12 What's your idea of a perfect night out?
My perfect night out bowling, playing pool and eating out after.
13 Your perfect night in?
My perfect night in- writing, sewing while my kids sit around doing crafts and watching movies
14 What would your best friend/OH/mum or kids say is your best quality?
One of my best traits, according to my closest friends/family- One of my close friends said it was that she could come to me with any problem and I would try to help and wouldn’t judge. Most of my other friends and family members just roll their eyes when I ask and laugh the question off.
Thanks for sharing more about you and your blogs Bethany. You can connect with Bethany on her social channels here: Twitter - Instagram - Facebook
If you’d like to be a future Blogger Showcase then please send us the answers to your questions and we can sort out a date. Our waiting list is currently shorter than it has been for a while, so we’d be keen to hear from you.