Post Comment Love 10-12 January

Hello there and welcome to the first PoCoLo of 2020 - I hope you had a lovely break. Both Suzanne and I are pleased to be back hosting this friendly linky where you can link any post published in the last week. We know you’ll find some great posts to read, and maybe some new-to-you blogs too, so do pop over and visit some of the posts linked and share some of that love.

I managed a complete switch off after our trip to Barbados, perhaps more than I intended to and while it was nice it’s left me with that familiar need to catch up feeling. I’m trying not to feel too guilty though as I was close to complete overwhelm before we went.

Another fall out of this more relaxed approach, which I’ve discovered isn’t that compatible with a busy day job, is what I’m calling a domestic oversight. In short we’ve run out of tea bags, and clearly that’s a bit of a crisis. Or at least it would be if we didn’t have stacks of loose leaf tea in the cupboard. I think it’s a great opportunity to dip into this, but making tea has become more of an occasion.


Be part of our Blogger Showcase

If you’d like to answer our blogger showcase questions, and be featured in this section of our weekly linky, then please get in touch. You and your blog could be featured next week.

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