This year I’ve taken part in the Advent Craft Swap organised by Fionnuala over at Three Sons Later, and when my parcel arrived days ahead of my day to open it, I had to deploy the biggest amount of patience. I don’t think I’ve ever received such a Christmassy-looking parcel.
But wait I did. And then with much excitement on the 12th dove in to discover an array of goodies from my swap partner, Dorothea:
I’m looking forward to trying the Winter Orange jam, and the key fob is just the thing for the keys to our new bifold doors, yes, I’ve still not sorted those out. And I don’t need to tell you how interested I am in the chocolate that has its own tiny box!
So a great parcel, and a great 12 December, thank you Dorothea.
Sending my swap
Clearly a swap is a two-way thing, but this swap is between all recipients so we didn’t have swap partners as such. My contribution to the process was this twinkly, crocheted snowflake garland, which I couldn’t help but take a snap of before I sent it on its way to Germany.
I was relieved to track my parcel and learn that it got there the day before it was due - phew - and even more pleased when I received the loveliest of messages from Elizabeth, the recipient:
Today stars shimmering like snowflakes fell down from heaven to earth. I did not open my windows, nor my door to let them in but just open my package.
I am tempted to make one for myself, it’s on the list, if I have time!