Post Comment Love 25-27 September

Welcome to this week’s #PoCoLo - a friendly linky which I co-host with Suzanne, where you can link any post published in the last week. We know you’ll find some great posts to read, and maybe some new-to-you blogs too, so do pop over and visit some of the posts linked and share some of that love.

Another week, and new rules from the government. And a new app, which we’ve already downloaded here, and which I hope will help in the fight against Covid. Though, if I’m honest I think we’ve some way to go yet, though I’m hoping we’ll start to see changes from these latest changes soon, and before other more tighter rules are needed.

Earlier in the year I booked some leave, random blocks of days, and so this week I’ve had three much needed days off. The first very much a home day, catching up on all sorts of things and yesterday we headed down to Whitstable for a change of scene. And much needed. We haven’t been to Whitstable for a while, and it’s such a pretty town, it was good to visit again.

We were lucky with the weather too, for most of the day. The sun had warmth, even though there were clouds in the sky, some of them much darker than we’d have liked. But we were able to have some al-fresco fish and chips on the edge of the beach, so a lot of typical English seaside town behaviour. We spotted beach huts, browsed shops, bought local goods and then got soaked after a sudden downpour which caught us out.

But even so, a really good day out, and one that (face coverings apart) felt the most ‘normal’ for a while.

a beach hut at Whitstable

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