Post Comment Love 22 - 24 September

Hello there, and welcome back to this week’s #PoCoLo - a friendly linky which I co-host with Suzanne, where you can link any blog post published in the last week, posts which are older will be removed from the linky. We know you’ll find some great posts to read, and maybe some new-to-you blogs too, so do pop over and visit some of the posts linked, comment and share some of that love. If you were here last week it was great to have you along, if you’re new here this week we’re pleased you’ve joined us.

We’re off gallivanting again this week and have spent a few nights in the Cotswolds, close to Cirencester. It’s a part of the world I’ve not been to before, but it’s one I suspect we may return to. We booked a lodge on the edge of a lake and it was pretty fancy, and very picturesque - even in the torrential rain, which we arrived in. Boy, did it rain!

Luckily though the weather improved and we’ve been out and about exploring from our doorstep, which is where I took the photo I’m sharing this week. Weeds covered in morning dew growing out of a crevice in a wall, they’ve never looked so pretty…

Weeds covered in morning dew growing from a crevice on the top of a wall