Post Comment Love 20-22 September

Hello there and welcome to this week’s #PoCoLo a friendly linky where you can link any post published in the last week. Both Morgan and I know you’ll find some great posts to read, and maybe some new-to-you blogs too, so do pop over and visit some of the posts linked and share some of that love. And an apology from me from neglecting the posts from the last week or so, I think I’m finally coming out of the chaos which has been my work life for the last few weeks, or I hope so at least.

Things generally have been a bit fraught, long hours at work, including extra hours at the weekend too and little time to cook proper food. And it’s been the same for MOH too, which hasn’t made for a great home life. It came to a bit of head this past week, my patience finally expired and MOH knew this I think, as the very next day he arrived home with these.

raspberry ripple roses

They have quickly become known as Raspberry Ripple Roses, and they (any any raspberry ripple ice cream) are very welcome. We’re heading out for lunch on Sunday after the rugby too, and I’m looking forward to both of those. It’s been a long few weeks of work, work, work and that’s not great, but I know that at times it just works out that way.

It’s been so much so, that I haven’t even crocheted for a while. I know, that needs to change!

Blogger showcase: Nicola from Mum on a Budget

I’m really pleased that we have a blogger in our Blogger Showcase spot this week, you can find out more about Nicola and read her full answers over on Morgan’s blog this week. But before you go, let me share a few snippets. Nicola lives in Edinburgh, has two children and has read blogs for as long as she can remember. She describes herself as impulsive, passionate and determined, though feeding her raging caffeine addiction made that question a tough one.