Hello there and welcome to this week's #PoCoLo - I'm struggling to believe that the weekend will bring September. I know I'm a serial under-estimator of time, but even by my standards this is quite something. If you were here last week it was great to see you, if you're new here then you're very welcome, I'm sure you will find some great posts to read this week so please do take some time to take a look at some of them.
For the last time this week I'm joined by Suzanne from Chicken Ruby who's co-hosting with me while Morgan is on her holidays, so do please also pop over to say hello. A huge thank you to Suzanne and Nikki from Someplace Strange who joined me co-hosting over the summer.
My big news of the week happened Wednesday evening as I was getting ready for bed. Given the turn in the weather I decided that long pyjamas were needed and there, wouldn't you know, nestled in among my pyjamas was my long lost belt. I'd given up finding it, and of course had that day received an email to say my new belt was on its way.
I knew that would happen, but you know just finding this belt made me so happy. Partly because I have my belt back, but mostly because the mystery has been solved, and my brain can now stop imagining bizarre and even more bizarre scenarios and hiding places for my belt. It's been missing since the start of the month, and had been playing on my mind. But now it's found. Phew.
Blogger Showcase: Sarah from Five Step Sarah
1. Who are you?
Hello! I'm a newbie blogger from a small town in northern Idaho. Writing has always been one of my favorite hobbies, so it's been very exciting to turn my hobby into a potential career. I love the outdoors, crafts/DIY, spending time with my 4-year-old son, my boyfriend, and my pets. I'm passionate about helping others, so my blog is all about making life easy!
2. How did you discover blogging?
I was (and still am) tired of my 8-5 job and I was searching for a way to make income from home. I found a group about starting a monetised blog, and decided to make the leap.
3. Why did you start blogging?
I have a wonderful 4-year-old son that I'd love to spend more time with. I'd love to do more camping, hiking, and exploring with my family and most importantly, I'd love to be my own boss! I feel very restricted by my full-time job, like I'm missing out on my son's childhood, missing out on trips and experiences, missing out on LIFE, so I started my blog with the hopes of eventually being able to quit my job and blog full time.
4. What do you find most challenging?
Currently it's been very challenging to find the time to work on my blog. With a full-time job, a child, pets, and a house to take care of, it's difficult to find time to sit down and write.
5. What is your favourite topic to write about?
I really enjoy writing posts that could potentially help someone. Money-saving tips, household DIY, and parenting topics are fun for me to write. I stick to the rule of 5. My posts are 5 ingredients, minutes, things, thoughts, etc. I want my blog to be a source that can help people, and my rule of 5 makes my posts easier for my readers to follow, understand, and implement.
6. Are you blogging for fun or do you have goals?
As I said previously, my goal is to eventually be a full-time blogger. The idea of escaping my desk job is what keeps me going and keeps me motivated to work on my blog. For now I'm working on short-term goals like finding brands to work with, making connections, growing my social media, and creating content. My long term goals are financial freedom and being my own boss!
7. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
I've gained a lot of great new friends and acquaintances in the blogging community. I love how supportive bloggers are to each other and I've really enjoyed getting to know other people from different countries and areas. It's great to see who's out there and what they have to offer! It's also been a great joy for me to get back into writing and learn new skills that are required to keep a blog up and running.
8. What are your three best posts?
Here are three that I am proud of:
9. Describe yourself in 3 words
Positive, creative, driven.
10. Are you a tea and biscuits or coffee and cake person?
I am most definitely a coffee and cake person. My blood is probably 75% coffee! I also have a terrible sweet tooth.
11. What's your idea of the perfect night out?
I rarely have nights out but when I do I love to get dressed up and go to dinner with my boyfriend, and then catch up with our friends and have a few drinks. There's also a painting class that I love going to where you do a wine tasting as you paint!
12. Your perfect night in?
One of my favourite things to do is rent a couple of movies, order pizza, and stay up late watching our movies. We usually do this on Friday or Saturday night so there's no stress of getting my son to bed on time or getting up early for work. My son loves this because he gets to pick out whatever movie he wants and we always have popcorn, which is our favourite special snack! Plus, ordering pizza means I get a break from cooking dinner and doing dishes!
13. What would your best friend/OH/mum or kids say is your best quality?
People around me tend to describe me as strong but sweet and kind-hearted. I'm also the friend that always gets enlisted to help with craft/DIY projects due to my creativity and artistic abilities.
Thanks Sarah for sharing more about you and your blog. Before you link up take a moment to connect with Sarah on her social channels: Instagram - Pinterest - Facebook - Twitter.
If you'd like to be featured in a future blogger showcase, then please answer the questions and get in touch, and we'll sort out a date.
Now, let's link up
Please remember these three rules:- To comment on at least two of the other posts and spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter - you can find us on twitter here: Stephanie - @LifeAt139a and guest co-host Suzanne - @ChickenRuby
- Your post has to have been written in the last week.
- Please include the PoCoLo badge on your post.