Post Comment Love 23 - 26 August

Hello there and welcome to this week’s #PoCoLo a friendly linky where you can link any post published in the last week. Both Morgan and I know you’ll find some great posts to read, and maybe some new-to-you blogs too, so do pop over and visit some of the posts linked and share some of that love.

This week we’re keeping the linky open for an extra day, and it’ll close on Bank Holiday Monday, which unusually, is forecast to be the warmest Bank Holiday ever. Though none of us really believe that and are still making wet weather contingency plans, it is a Bank Holiday after all!

I’ve had some garden finds this week; the lettuce planted a few weeks earlier has, with all the rain, excelled itself and we’re regularly eating home grown lettuce now. I’ve got into the routine of picking it the night before, washing it and leaving it in the fridge in kitchen roll in an airtight container. It’s just as well as I’ve found at least one snail that had survived the night. Thankfully, it’s been a whole snail, as we all know the only thing worse than finding a whole snail, is half a snail…

home grown lettuce

It tastes much nicer than the bagged stuff, and is less slimy too, so far. The tomatoes though are slow to ripen, and I think are a casualty of the trees in our garden, not much sun is reaching them. There are a few beans on the way though, and I’m looking forward to those, though MOH will soon get to the point of asking “not beans, again?”

Blogger Showcase

Our list is still empty so there’s no showcase feature this week. If you’d like to be featured then please get in touch with Morgan or I.