Post Comment Love 12-14 July

Hello there and welcome to this week’s #PoCoLo a friendly linky where you can link any post published in the last week. Both Morgan and I know you’ll find some great posts to read, and maybe some new-to-you blogs too, so do pop over and visit some fo the posts linked and share some of that love.

It was MOH’s birthday on Monday and I feel as if I spent last weekend eating, which is clearly a no bad thing, but as the weather has got warmer and more humid my appetite is less and less, so it’s not been as easy as it seems. However, I’ve done my best! We’ve taken a couple of days off this week, and have been tackling the garden and it’s hot work. No doubt I’ll end up with some more t-shirt tan lines, but I’ve come to the conclusion there hard to avoid.

I read somewhere that something like 44% of Brits use out of date suntan lotion, which unsurprisingly isn’t as effective. I’m part of that 44%, perhaps I’ll need to reconsider, though I daren’t look at the best before date on our bottles.


If you were following my instagram stories yesterday, you’ll know that our pear tree had quite a prune. This rose is one on our patio and after chopping lots of pear branches, it was a welcome sight.

Could you be our next Blogger Showcase?

Our Blogger Showcase list is empty again, and so you really could our next Blogger Showcase. All you need to do is answer our questions, send them over and Morgan and I will both link back to your blog as part of the feature. It’s as easy as that, there’s no catch, really there isn’t.

*** Apologies, I seem to be having trouble commenting on Blogger blogs, and it seems the comments I’ve left aren’t reaching you. I think if I use Chrome it works ok, so I will aim to do that from now on. ***