The Garden Year: April 2023

Welcome back to this month’s Garden Year linky - if you were here last month, it was great to see you. If you’re joining for the first time, you’re very welcome. The linky will stay open for the whole month, so I hope you’ll pop back during the month. I’m looking forward to reading about your garden projects and garden visits.

With Easter this month hopefully we’ll start to see some warmer and more Spring-like weather. My gardening so far this year has been very sporadic as I’m waiting for it to warm up a bit - not only to make it more enjoyable, but also for any seeds I sow to have the best start in our north facing garden. This month I’ve linked up a fun gardening quiz from Mr Fothergill’s who as part of the quiz are offering free seeds - and you can’t beat free seeds (or plants) can you?!

I can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to, but if you need a nudge to get out into your garden, or out visiting those around you, here’s some links which may help.

Advice, inspiration and places to visit
