Post Comment Love 8 - 10 March

Hello there, and welcome back to this week’s #PoCoLo - a friendly linky which I co-host with Suzanne, where you can link any blog post published in the last week. We know you’ll find some great posts to read, and maybe some new-to-you blogs too, so do pop over and visit some of the posts linked, comment and share some of that love.

Please don’t link up posts which are older as they will be removed from the linky, and if older posts are linked then please don’t feel that it’s necessary to comment on those. If you were here last week it was great to have you along, if you’re new here this week we’re pleased you’ve joined us.

Well, what a difference a week makes, this week I have flowering daffodils! And aren’t they beauties?

We’ve had blue skies and grey skies but I was lucky to capture these flowering against one of the bluest skies we’ve had this week, and it really felt as if spring could be on its way. We’ve been lucky and been able to take advantage of a walk or two on the sunnier, warmer days and fit in some jobs around the house when it’s been a bit duller.

Here’s hoping spring really is just around the corner, I’ve said it before but I really won’t be sorry to see the back of this wet winter.