Post Comment Love and Blogger Showcase 29 - 31 March

Hello there and welcome to this week’s #PoCoLo a friendly linky where you can link any post published in the last week.  If you were here last week, it was great to see you and if you’re new here this week, then you’re very welcome.  Both Morgan and I know you’ll find some great posts to read, and encourage you to pop over to some of the posts linked and take the time to leave a comment or two so that everyone benefits from some extra love.

So we’ve reached the day that should have been Brexit, but isn’t. Where we’d hoped things would be sorted, but they seem as far away as ever of being resolved. Parliament seems in even more disarray than most of us thought possible and no doubt, there’s still a few more dramas to come.

My first reaction when we discovered that it was no longer Brexit day this week, was thank goodness for that, I’ve already got a busy week. And it has been busy, with lots of toing and froing, but I think I’m making progress, slow but progress nonetheless.

My photo this week is another from Joyful Living in Norfolk, look closely and you’ll see it’s a rug made from scraps of leather, and is totally gorgeous and quite unusual, with such delicate colours. Although I’m sure that’s deceptive as I bet it’s much more hardwearing than it looks.

A rug made from leather strips at Joyful Living Norfolk

Blogger Showcase: Davis from Everything Starts With Tea

1 Who are you?

Hey, I’m Davis from Everything Starts With Tea. I’m a single parent to one beautiful little lady, I’m animal mad and own pretty much a small zoo consisting of a dog, two rabbits, two hamsters and a mouse! I run on a lack of sleep and an abundance of cold tea, complete with milk and two sugars.

My corner of the internet is all about lifestyle, parenting, mental health, self improvement and blogging, I like to think that it’s a reflection of me, as those are all topics of which I feel passionate about. There’s sure to be book reviews in the future, too, as I’m never without a good read on the go.

2 How did you discover blogs/blogging?

I actually discovered the world of YouTube first, obsessively watching a few of the popular ones with their beauty, fashion and lifestyle offerings. I discovered one of my favourites had started a blog initially, and so a whole new world was opened up to me. A world of which is much better suited to me and my passion for the written word.

3 Why did you start blogging?

After finding other people’s blogs and becoming hooked,  I decided I wanted to get involved too. I don’t thrive in social settings due to my anxiety and it seemed like a good way to make new friends online. One of my favourite hobbies is writing, so I eventually bit the bullet and got involved. My only wish is that I’d done it sooner! That was in 2015 with a previous blog. My current blog is born after a blogging hiatus and I’m so excited to be back in the thick of it!

4 What do you find most challenging?

As I already mentioned, I’m a Mom. I also have other responsibilities aside from my daughter and so balancing everything in my life alongside blogging can be a huge struggle. Sometimes my time management can be a little off and that’s when things start to slip. The technical side of things can prove tricky for me, too. The C-panel is NOT my friend!

5 What is your favourite topic to write about?

Ooo this is a tough one. I enjoy writing about all the topics within my blog (lifestyle, parenting, mental health, self improvement and blogging) but if I had to choose any for the top spot I’d maybe say self improvement... Or blogging.

6 Are you blogging for fun or do you have goals?

Both! I love blogging and with my last blog I was purely blogging for the fun of it. I’ve started ESWT with the intention of making money though, too. I want to work from home so that I’m able to bring my daughter up myself, not having to put her into childcare. So, I really hope to be eventually making a living from my little corner of the web.

7 What is your favourite thing about blogging?

Connecting with other bloggers and being a part of an amazing community. Writing comes as a very close second, but I’ve made so many amazing friends through blogging, some I consider to be my best friends. It’s the cherry on top of an incredibly delicious cake! 

8 Have you ever attended a blogging conference and if so, what did you think?

I haven’t, but I’d definitely be interested in doing so! This is one of those things I’d like to add to my never ending to-do list: find out about any local blogging events!

9 What are your three best posts?

For variety I’ll share posts from different categories.

  1. Parenting: Pregnant to an abusive partner. What should I do?

  2. Self Improvement & Lifestyle: Try these 113 ways to improve your lifestyle now

  3. Mental Health: The SAD side of Winter and how you can help

10 Describe yourself in three words.

Clumsy, empathetic and loopy!

 11 Are you a tea and biscuits or coffee and cake person?

Tea, biscuits and cake... And any other sugary treat available... Actually, food in general. 😝

12 What’s your idea of a perfect night out?

I don’t actually go out any more since having my daughter, but I used to enjoy having a few pre-drinks whilst getting ready with the girls and then heading to somewhere with karaoke! I prefer pubs to clubs, or something kind of in the middle with a dancefloor but plenty of seating available.

13 Your perfect night in?

Candles lit, plenty of snacks and reading a good book. I like to have DVD nights with my Mom, too, complete with tonnes of snacks and maybe a gin or two thrown in. If it’s a perfect night, the ultimate for me would be a combination of the two! Topped off with a snuggle with my little one once I finally get to my bed.

14 What would your best friend/OH/Mom or kids say is your best quality?

Asked my Mom and she said it’s my compassion. My toddler would probably call me an egg, not because I am an egg, but because that’s her favourite word these days. 😝

Thanks Davis for sharing more about you and your blog. Before you link up why not pop over to Davis’ social channels, as we all know how much a new follower or two is appreciated: Twitter - Instagram - Facebook

If you’d like to be featured in a future Blogger’s Showcase then please send Morgan or I the answers to our questions and we can sort out a date.