What type of gardener are you?

If you want to get growing but aren’t sure where to start then Mr Fothergill’s and David Domoney have all the information you need. They’re teaming up to give people who want to start growing their own information to get started, including tips on which herbs and vegetables you can grow on your windowsill.

Take the quiz and get free seeds

Mr Fothergill’s has a fun quiz too to help you work out what type of gardener you are, and they’re even offering you some free seeds, so they’re removing any excuse you had to get started.

I’m a Garden Whisperer…

!My quiz results: A garden whisperer - it's not showy, but you can get the job done when it comes to helping plants thrive

It made me smile anyway.

But actually, and without knowing what the other options are, it does seem to fit. Generally I have success in the garden, even when I think something is past its best - the ornamental quince bush which took a trampling from the tree cutters last year is a good example.

It was looking very sorry for itself and so I decided to give it an unseasonal trim. Not only did it stop it looking distinctly “less dead” but it rewarded me with new growth, more flowers and looks a lot healthier. It’s usual flowering time is now - and I can see it flowering from the house - so to get a second set of flowers after the worst of the heatwave was a real surprise, and very welcome!

So why not take the quiz, sign up for your free seeds and leave a comment to let me know what type of gardener you are!

*This isn’t a sponsored post, though I understand why you think it might be. It’s a fun thing - with free seeds - that arrived in my inbox that I wanted to share. Like you, if you take the quiz, I have signed up for some free seeds. That’s it.