Post Comment Love 28 - 30 July 2017

Hello there and welcome to another #PoCoLo and of course Friyay!  I've been looking forward to it all week as I've a few days off coming up and am hoping to get out on my bike and finally shake off this summer cold I've got. I think summer colds are the worst.  But I digress, if you were here last week, thank you, it was great to see you and if you're new here this week *hello* it's lovely to have you along, and both Morgan and I hope you'll find some cracking blog posts to read, and come back again next week!

We spent last weekend in Norfolk and it's true we never leave empty handed, this time with lots of marrows from dad's garden. The option was did we want those three or these three, so we chose three! But in my forgetfulness I forgot to bring the banana chilli plant I bought at a roadside shack home, so dad is growing double the amount of banana chillies he expected too.  Pop back on Sunday to see my marrow acquisition, now that's an offer you won't get everyday is it?

I've spent this week trying to get ahead of myself for next week, both at work and at home, and making slow progress, which given that my head feels like it's full of cotton wool - that's was a summer cold does! There's lists to make and things to pack and the greenhouse to sort out. Now that things have finally started growing... And an allotment to visit and check on, but given the weather the past few days I'm hopeful that it will be better placed to managed without us for a few days. 

This week's photo isn't from my garden (sadly), but from our recent visit to RHS Hyde Hall in Essex - the flowers look fit to burst don't they?

Nigella's fit to burst into flower at Hyde Hall

Could you be one of our future Bloggers Showcase?

Sadly we don't have someone to feature this week as the blogger we had lined up appears to have stopped blogging. Our list is growing, and stretches to the middle of October, which is awesome, but Morgan and I would love to feature you, especially if you already link up with us. There's no time limit on how long you need to have been blogging for, it's open to everyone. All you need to do is tell us a bit about yourself by answering our #PoCoLo questions and send them over to us. 

Here's the questions:

Answer our #PoCoLo questions and be a future Blogger Showcase

Now, let's link up

Please remember these three rules:
  1. To comment on at least two of the other posts and spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter - you can find us on twitter here: Stephanie - @LifeAt139a and Morgan - @MorganPrinceCom
  2. Your post has to have been written in the last week.
  3. Please include the PoCoLo badge on your post.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.