Post Comment Love: 26 - 29 May 2017

Hello there and welcome to this week's #PoCoLo. If you were here last week, thank you it was great to see you and it was great to have Morgan back too, I'd missed her as my co-host.  If you're new here then welcome, I'm sure that you'll find some great blog posts, and blogs, to read and both Morgan and I hope you become a regular linker.

I've had the best kind of week; not only have I had a couple of days off with the sun shining, but I've been able to satisfy my planning needs! And thrift, that's featured too. Before I went to work Monday I'd ordered, paid for and arranged delivery of the sleepers for another of my garden projects, and our gabion baskets arrived Wednesday as well. I love it when companies deliver on what they say, on time and without fuss, it makes such a difference.

I've also had some gumtree success finding two people locally who have rubble to give away. Yesterday we collected twelve sacks and later today we're collecting twelve more from someone else.  This is great news for us, as we have a cubic metre gabion basket to fill pretty quickly so the new pizza oven - which is due to arrive later today - has somewhere to go.  

I may still buy some bricks to add a decorative touch to the baskets, but the advice I received from ITV's Love Your Garden presenter, Katie Rushworth has been a big factor in getting myself sorted and ready to sort out the problem areas in our garden once and for all. That's the post I've linked this week, so you can read more about my chat with her.

She really is lovely and clearly knows her stuff. She started in fashion design but moved to designing gardens as she loved being outside and surrounded by nature, and that enables her to use her creativity in a different way, although there are similarities with the use of shape, form and texture.

My photo this week is of the helicoils, spring-like fixings, which we'll use to bind our gabion baskets together. Already I've learnt a new language, having laced the baskets together on Thursday assembling them. Later today there'll be some bracing, to add strength and well who knows. But everything is starting to come together!

A close up of the helicoils which we'll use to secure our gabion baskets

This week Morgan and I care keeping the linky open until 11pm on Bank Holiday Monday, so there's a bit more time to link up if you're out and about this weekend. Monday is my birthday, quite a significant one, and I'm hoping there'll be some treats along the way.  Have a great Bank Holiday weekend, and don't forget to check out some of the other posts linked up.

Blogger Showcase: Sir Leprechaun Rabbit from multiple blogs

Well, this week's Blogger Showcase is quite a character and has many blogs including , he says he's everywhere and that definitely seems the case. He was discovered by blogging rather than the other way round and with three blogs, he writes for fun and says blogging is a lot like gossip, in that you can control how much (or how little) of a secret you can tell.

Wise words indeed, pop over and take a look at the full set of answers on Morgan's blog, I'm pretty sure you'll find out more about Sir Leprechaun Rabbit who says he's much more than just a long-eared wordsmith!

And don't forget to connect with him on social too:

Twitter   -  Google+  -  Pinterest  - Instagram

Now, let's link up

Please remember these three rules:
  1. To comment on at least two of the other posts and spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter - you can find us on twitter here: Stephanie - @LifeAt139a and Morgan - @MorganPrinceCom
  2. Your post has to have been written in the last week.
  3. Please include the PoCoLo badge on your post.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.