Post Comment Love and Blogger Showcase 12-14 May

Hello there and welcome back to Post Comment Love. If you were here last week, it was great to see you and if it's your first time with us this week then welcome, you'll find the #PoCoLo community a friendly bunch and every week there'll be some great posts for you to read. I'm flying solo again this week and I know you'll all join me sending Morgan our love.

This week I've managed a full week at work, I must have slipped up there somewhere but it's been good to get back into the routine and I've been enjoying spotting the rhododendrons or rosie-dendrons as MOH insists on calling them (I'll have to do a post of Steve-isms one day), come into flower. But my photo this week is from my own garden as all of a sudden, and without any intervention from me, my alliums have started to flower. 

And I think they're pretty stunning.

The BritMums Brilliance in Blogging awards opened this week in the blogging world, and if you'd consider my blog then I'd be very pleased and flattered. I don't expect to win, but a nomination is always welcome. Here's the categories, if you're stuck for which category I'd suggest Photo or perhaps Readers Choice, but who knows you might have different thoughts, and that's entirely fine.

Blogger Showcase Rachel from Rachel Bustin

1. Who are you?

Hello I'm Rachel, a 30-something first time mum to my gorgeous rainbow baby born in February 2016. I live with my husband and daughter in Cornwall, where we potter about enjoying life, working hard and eating lots of pasties.

2. How did you discover blogs/blogging?

I'd been entering hundreds of competitions every week for many years so always knew about blogs as this is where the best giveaways were! 

3. Why did you start blogging?

It was around March 2015 when my husband suggested I start my own blog, Rachel Bustin. Yes I'm afraid I have to give credit to him! We had just been through our 3rd miscarriage and I was feeling down so needed something to take my mind off things. It must have worked as a couple of months later I found out I was pregnant with our wonderful daughter.

4. What do you find most challenging?

The hardest thing and what I find most challenging is organising my time to blog. I'm back at work nearly full-time so juggling work, blogging and family is a killer. But as time goes on I'm finding it easier to get the right balance.

5. What is your favourite topic to write about?

I just love to write so the topic can be on anything really, but I adore writing about my daughter and her development.

6. Are you blogging for fun or do you have goals?

I have goals, but I do write book reviews for fun. Blogging is my side earner now so I do have monthly, quarterly and yearly targets I want to achieve. I'm not someone who does things half-heartedly so it's all or nothing for me. To earn a decent part-time wage from my blog regularly is my ultimate aim.

7. What is your favourite thing about blogging?

My favourite thing about blogging is having my own space to write about what I like and how I feel. The blogging community is amazing and so helpful if you ever need any advice so i just had to pop that in here as well.

8. Have you ever attended a blogging conference and if so, what did you think?

No unfortunately I have never attended any blogging events at all. Living down in Cornwall there aren't a huge amount going on here and it's very expensive to travel anywhere as it would need to include accommodation as well.

9. What are your 3 best posts?

  1. I wrote A letter to my Dear Baby Girl when I was half asleep. It's become one of my favourites

  2. How Hard is it to Breastfeed? 

  3. Will my daughter have a different childhood to me? 

10. Describe yourself in 3 words?

Booknerd, Redhead, Shy.

11. Are you a tea and biscuits or a coffee and cake person?

I actually don't drink tea or coffee, but I'm a huge cake lover!

12. What is your idea of a perfect night out?

These are rare at the moment, but my husband and I love to go out for a curry or chinese then see a great film at the cinema.

13. Your perfect night in?

These are the best. We love to cook up a mini-buffet with lots of picky bits, and then chill out watching a boxset with chocolate.

14. What would your best friend/OH/mum or kids say is your best quality?

Well, my friends and mum would say listener, but my OH would probably say I talk too much and never listen! 

Thanks Rachel, it's lovely to know more about you - please do grab your "I was featured" badge. If you're reading and wondering about taking part, then please do, we'd love to feature you in a future edition.

Connect with Rachel here:

Twitter  -  Facebook  -  Instagram  -  Pinterest

Now, let's link up

Please remember these three rules:
  1. To comment on at least two of the other posts and spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter - you can find us on twitter here: Stephanie - @LifeAt139a and Morgan - @MorganPrinceCom
  2. Your post has to have been written in the last week.
  3. Please include the PoCoLo badge on your post.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.