Post Comment Love and Blogger Showcase, 7-9 April 2017

Hello and welcome to another Friday and another PoCoLo. If you were here last week, thank you it was great to see you, if you're new here this week, welcome, I hope you'll find us a happy and friendly bunch. I'm pretty certain you'll find a wide range of posts to read, and Morgan and I are looking forward to see what you'll link up this week.

This week has been mixed for me, we finally got over to the allotment for the first time this year (yes, I know, I'm hanging our collective heads in shame) and it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. We've also got the gardening bug back, which is just as well as we've a lot to do. I had a hospital appointment for my overactive thyroid and have been discharged, which is good news, because if I'm honest the appointments weren't massively helpful. I'd been allocated a consultant at Kings which is a bit of a faff to get too, and it certainly was this week as the zip in my trousers jammed on the day of my hospital appointment.

Of course I discovered just as I was about to head into back to back meetings and then head straight off to the hospital. Cue some emergency shopping, thankfully that was successful and I made the hospital appointment with seven minutes to spare, and was so glad they didn't want to take my blood pressure this time!

And then there's been the weather, hasn't it been great?  And some lovely weather to come if we believe the forecast, we're already planning a barbecue, so I hope they're right. This week's photo is from Greenwich Park and suddenly it's been all about the blossom, so here's some blossom.

Blogger Showcase: Jessica from Enjoy the Adventure

1. Who are you

I am Jess a travel blogger - at Enjoy the Adventure - and mental health support worker. When I’m not working I love exploring new places, going out for meals, afternoon tea and watching movies.

2. How did you discover blogging?

I first discovered blogs as a teenager whilst I was looking for makeup and skincare reviews. I loved the fact it was normal people trying out products I could easily get.

3. Why did you start blogging?

I decided to start after backpacking around Europe. I was in areas such as Slovenia and Bosnia and wanted to find out more information about how to travel around the countries and the best places to visit. I couldn’t find all the information I wanted so decided to create my own blog. Describing what transport to get and how much things cost so people know this information before visiting somewhere.

4. What do you find most challenging? 

HTML I still have no idea how to do certain things. There’s also a lot of work that goes into growing a following on social media and to get a decent amount of pages views.

5. What is your favourite topic to write about?

Anything related to travel, whether it’s going on a trip abroad or a staycation.

6. Are you blogging for fun or do you have goals?

Initially I started blogging for fun, but now I have a few goals. These would be going on Press trips or events and meeting other bloggers.

7. What is your favourite thing about blogging?

I love the blogging community and receiving lovely messages on my blog! I also love having the opportunity to work with companies.

8. Have you attended a blogging conference?

I haven’t yet but plan on going to some this year. If anyone knows of any good ones please let me know...

9. What are your 3 best posts?

10. Describe yourself in 3 words?

Passionate, caring and loving.

11. Are you a tea and biscuits or coffee and cake person?

Definitely tea and biscuits, I love a good cuppa tea.

12. What’s your idea of a perfect night out? 

A perfect night out would be with the girls going for dinner and a few cocktails, then seeing a live band.

13. Your perfect night in?

A movie, takeaway and a face mask.

14. What would your best friend/mum say is your best quality?

I think my friends and family would say I’m kind and like helping others.


Thanks Jessica, it's been lovely to get to know more about you and your blog - you certainly have some gorgeous photos on your blog. Please do pop over and collect your "I was featured on PoCoLo" badge

Please do pop over and check out Jessica's social media channels, and follow her if you're not already. We all know how nice it is to grow our following.

You can follow Jessica here:

Blog  -  Twitter  -  Instagram  -  Facebook  -  Pinterest