Post Comment Love 14-16 April 2017

Hello there and welcome to another Friday and another #PoCoLo - if you were here last week, thanks for linking up with us, we loved reading your posts. If you're linking for the first time this week, then welcome, I expect you'll find some cracking posts linked up, but don't just take my word for it.

Wasn't the weather great at the weekend? And so different during the week! Despite the change in temperature I've still been braving the walk to work without a coat, I find them cumbersome, so as soon as I can ditch my coat I'm a happy girl. I'm prepared to brave the colder mornings so I don't have to carry a coat home each evening, my plan is only scuppered when it's cold in the evening too. But that's a good reason to walk more quickly!

Greenwich Park is still as beautiful and the pink blossom still in full swing. One of the trees in the flower garden has been gaining lots of attention from Asian visitors who are queuing to have their photo taken underneath it. Deciding to (almost) get in on the act, one evening i stood under another of the trees, and that's the photo I'm sharing this week. I've had some fun editing what was a dark photo, but I think I'm allowed some photographic licence at times.

Blogger Showcase: Sam from Dove Cottage 

Sam is a new house owner and spends all of her spare time transforming it into her dream vintage style home, you can read more about her progress on her Dove Cottage blog.

I think you'll find her blog friendly and approachable, which are just two of the words Sam uses to describe herself, so pop over to Morgan's blog and find out more about Sam, her blog and her favourite posts.

And don't forget to connect with Sam on social media, we all know just how nice it is to find new followers:

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