Hello there and welcome to the last #PoCoLo of the year, that sounds odd to be typing but Christmas is hurtling towards us at a frightening rate. Morgan and I both agree that Christmas is a time for spending with families and not necessarily online so we're taking a break until the first Friday of 2018.
If you were here last week, thank you - it was great to see you and read your posts. If you're new here, then welcome, you're going to find some smashing posts and we hope that you'll join us again in the New Year.
This week has passed in a blur, somehow it's Friday again and I'm not really sure I know how. I still have plenty of Christmas shopping to do, and we're off today so hopefully some of that will miraculously happen. I'm hoping it will anyway, and if it could happen while I'm out at lunch and enjoying myself that would be doubly good! I very much doubt it though...
My photo this week is from our trip to Hastings last Christmas and was taken on our Boxing Day walk. It wasn't quite as deserted as it looks, but it was every bit as beautiful.
Blogger Showcase: Dark Saint Web
1. Who are you?
I am an Introspective writer who is figuring out how much talent I might actually have. I do love words even if it’s me writing them or someone else’s, doesn’t really matter as long its relatable and speaks to me.
2. How did you discover blogs/blogging?
In all honesty, surfing the web.
3. Why did you start blogging?
I needed to escape and there was too much in my head. I believed whatever I was going through, I couldn’t be the only one. So I blogged to find my emotional doppelgangers.
4. What do you find most challenging?
Life and everything around it.
5. What is your favourite topic to write about?
I do, I want to create a platform for those who can’t seem to find the answers, providing them a place where they can just vent or simply seek solace.
6. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
The freedom.
7. Have you ever attended a blogging conference and if so, what did you think?
8. What are your three best posts?
10(Tired), 45(Music), 7(Hey Me)
9. Describe yourself in three words!
Weird, Passionate and Quiet.
10. Are you a tea and biscuits or coffee and cake person?
Coffee and cake.
11. What's your idea of a perfect night out?
Great people, good food and tolerable weather.
12. Your perfect night in?
Sweats and the remote control.
13. What would your best friend/OH/mum or kids say is your best quality?
I fight blindly and wholeheartedly for the ones I love.
*** This is the last #PoCoLo of 2017 - join us, link up and comment away - then come back on Friday 5 January 2018 and let's do it all again! Both Morgan and I have had another great year hosting #PoCoLo and we're very grateful for your support, and look forward to seeing you and your blog posts again next year. Incase I don't get the chance again, have a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ***
Now, let's link up
Please remember these three rules:- To comment on at least two of the other posts and spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter - you can find us on twitter here: Stephanie - @LifeAt139a and Morgan - @MorganPrinceCom
- Your post has to have been written in the last week.
- Please include the PoCoLo badge on your post.