Post Comment Love & Newbie Showcase 15 July 2016

Hello there!  Guess what? Yes it's Friday again, so welcome to this week's Post Comment Love. You might be wondering why I'm sharing what is a rather pretty of rain. Or you might be fed up with the rain, but that's not why. This week I think the rain's had it in for me. No honestly. 

Do you know how many times this week it's rained at 1pm and 5pm?

Lots I tell you. It even prevented a bike ride to a local office on Tuesday, hammering it down it was. I guess that's "summer" for you! Let's hope the weather becomes more summer like soon, or sunnier at least.

Photo credit: Unsplash

Photo credit: Unsplash

Newbie Showcase: Jacqui from Recipes made easy

I have been a cookery writer and food stylist ( a fancy word for someone who cooks food to be photographed) for over 25 years and have written recipes for both weekly and monthly magazines here in the UK, as well as having written over 15 cookery books but I have only just started blogging my recipes.

I started my blog Recipes Made Easy at the end of last year, when my two boys had moved away from home and started

asking for recipes that they could cook. I had been thinking about writing a blog for a couple of years but just hadn't got around to it. They needed easy reliable recipes so this was the nudge I needed.

I love blogging and wish I had started earlier. The recipes on the blog are the recipes that I cook at home for family and friends and I love sharing them. All my recipes are well tested and I always try to explain each recipe clearly so even a beginner can understand.

I’ve learnt so much over the last few months as writing is just the beginning. There is the technical side to learn, social media to keep up to date, and not forgetting photographing the food. Before I started the blog I had only had to worry about how the food looked when shooting, now I am busy learning about exposure, lighting and post shoot editing as well. But luckily I soon discovered the food blogging world is a large and friendly community who are so free with their help and advice and for which I am very grateful. 

When I’m not in the kitchen or at my computer I can be found at my tiny city allotment where I grow soft fruit and herbs or by the coast in Suffolk where I have a holiday cottage.  I also like to crochet and love the theatre.

My favourite posts are:

Connect with Jacqui here

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Thanks Jacqui, you've inspired me to get started again with my sourdough. I've missed eating it and it really isn't as tricky as you first think.

If your blog is under a year old and you'd like to be featured in a future Newbie Showcase then please get in touch with Morgan or I, at the moment we have a very short list so you could be featured sooner than you think!

Now, let's link up

Please remember these three rules:
  1. To comment on at least two of the other posts and spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter - you can find us on twitter here: Stephanie - @LifeAt139a and Morgan - @MorganPrinceCom
  2. Your post has to have been written in the last week.
  3. Please include the PoCoLo badge on your post.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.