Welcome to this week's #PoCoLo. I know, Friday already and not only that it's the first of July! Which means Morgan and I have been hosting this fab linky for six whole months now - so we're celebrating our half birthday this week! Hasn't it gone quick? As ever we're glad to have you along, but before we get to that...
It's been quite a week hasn't it? One where I'll freely admit I've struggled with the result of the referendum and been saddened by what seems to be an increase in racial incidents. That's never ok and I like the idea of wearing a safety pin to show solidarity with our foreign-born population. Going to Brit Mums Live on Saturday couldn't have been timed better for me and it was uplifting to be in a room stuffed full of positivity.
It was great to meet up with Vicky and to meet Morgan and for me there was no other photo to share in this week's post, so here you have us #PoCoLo's hosts past and present.
Newbie Showcase
Well today to celebrate our half birthday - and because we don't have a newbie to showcase this week - we're doing something different, we're celebrating all of our fantastic newbie showcase bloggers so far, so this week we're giving a *wave* to:
Nikki at Someplace Strange | Emily at Lost in Lyon | Poppy at A Sunny Island | Niki at Play Travel Life | Miranda at Drops of Learning | Sacha at Visualize Authenticity | Franca at A Moment with Franca | Sarah at Admissions of a Working Mother | Jenna at Jenna Michelle Pink | Katie at Mummy in a Tutu | Sarah at Craft Invaders | Kate at Refined Prose | Jessica at Babi A Fi | Lindsay at Crazy Organized Blog | Michaela at The Mummy Diaries | Mainy at My Real Fairy | Katie at So this is Mrs T | Karen at Two Tiny Hands | Polly at Right Royal Mother | Sophie at Mama Mei | Rebecca at Taylor Made Ramblings | Gemma at Tiddlers Art Studio | Bethany at Simply Said Seven | Sam at Memories and Mayhem and Jennifer at Living with Layla-Rose.
It's fab that lots of you are still linking up each week, it's been a pleasure to share each and every one of your blogs.
If your blog is under a year old and you'd like to be featured in a future Newbie Showcase then please do get in touch with either Morgan or myself.
Now, let's link up
Please remember these three rules:- To comment on at least two of the other posts and spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter - you can find us on twitter here: Stephanie - @LifeAt139a and Morgan - @MorganPrinceCom
- Your post has to have been written in the last week.
- Please include the PoCoLo badge on your post.