Hello there and welcome to another PoCoLo - thanks for all the birthday wishes last week, I had a fab birthday weekend and am still hanging on to the croaky voice from that cold. I'm hoping that the remnants of my cold will go soon as we're off to France for a bit of cycling. I also hope the weather sorts itself out so when I start to pack our four panniers I pack the right sort of clothes.
I really want to pack shorts - and I will - but the big call is how many cold(er) weather gear I need to pack. MOH bought me a North Face shell jacket in purple, lilac and mustard (it looks better than it sounds) and that'll be coming with me, along with my strappy-but-flat sandals. Let's hope I get to wear the jacket a lot less than the sandals.
I guess one good thing about my thyroid being overactive again is that it's rare for me to feel the cold! Every positive and all that...
Next week Jayne from Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs will be joining Morgan as co-host while I'm potentially wifi-less as I cycle along the banks of the Loire with a camera in one hand. And expect chateaux overload!
And if you're wondering about the significance of this beautiful succulent, there is none other than I just love this image. And succulents too. It's another from Unsplash which is a fab resource for some stunning photographs.
Newbie Showcase: Gemma from Tiddler's Art Studio
Gemma blogs over at Tiddler's Art Studio and she blogs about introducing her own tiddlers to Art and taking them on a journey.
On her blog you'll find all sorts of things to keep her two occupied and often the materials used will be found or recycled.
It sounds great and who could resist drawing on a chalkboard adorned by bunting? To find out more about Gemma and her blog pop over and visit Morgan to read more, including Gemma's most visited posts.
Connect with Gemma here
Please do stop by and follow Gemma.
If you'd like to be featured as a Newbie Showcase get in touch, but remember your blog needs to be under a year old when you get in touch. We're currently looking for a Newbie Showcase for 17 June, so it could be you!
Now, let's link up
Please remember these three rules:- To comment on at least two of the other posts and spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter - you can find us on twitter here: Stephanie - @LifeAt139a and Morgan - @MorganPrinceCom
- Your post has to have been written in the last week.
- Please include the PoCoLo badge on your post.