Post Comment Love 11-13 March 2016

Welcome back to PoCoLo! Last week's link-up was a busy one with lots of people joining in - and it was so great to see you all. Combine that with a day or two away from the internet and that meant that most of my commenting didn't take place until later in the week - but I got there! 

I hope you're enjoying reading each other's blogs as much as I am.

I already mentioned that I had a day away from the internet and it was great! We spent the morning digging over at the allotment and making quite a lot of progress, even though to the untrained eye it might not look like it!  And then spent the afternoon with my parents who'd popped down from Norfolk, like you do.

It was a year ago that I completed the six-hour danceathon at Wembley as part of Team Honk raising money for Sport Relief. That's timely as the post I'm linking up this week is the challenge that I'm supporting this year, it's been dreamt up by Nell from Pigeon Pair & Me and she's leading a London Museum Dash on 20 March. Do pop over and take a look and if you can spare a pound or two, you'd be supporting really good causes.

But before that, it's Newbie Showcase time.

Newbie Showcase: Katie from Mummy in a Tutu

Mummy in a Tutu

Katie blogs over at Mummy in a Tutu and she writes about lifestyle, parenting, food, vegetarianism and a whole lot more. She's fairly new to the blogging world at four months young but is already completely addicted. 

Pop over to Morgan's blog to read more about Katie and her favourite posts.

Before you head off to connect with Katie on social media she's recently started a Live Chat group  - called #TribalChat -for people looking to make friends online, which takes place every Tuesday between 8-9pm.

Connect with Katie here:

Blog  -  Twitter  -  Facebook  -  Instagram  -  Pinterest


If your blog is less than a year old and you'd like to be featured on Newbie Showcase then please get in touch.