Hello there, welcome to another week of #PoCoLo - it was great to have you link up last week, there were lots of great reads and fantastic photos, as well as some lovely Valentines-ness too. It was a busy linky too, and that's great!
After a few days off last week, it was back to work for me on Monday and a mountain of emails too - the joys of modern day living, hey? For me it's been a relatively quiet week, but that's good as I've been able to enjoy the ever-so-slightly lighter evenings, haven't they been great. This evening I'm off out to meet up with friends and tomorrow the in-laws are coming over for dinner, so I'll have a busy Saturday getting everything I need to done before spending time with family and some great food too.
Newbie Showcase: Franca from A Moment With Franca
Hola, my name is Franca. I’m a lawyer and originally from Peru. I have lived in London for 11 years and I'm married to my best friend. I met him at work in London. We have 2 gorgeous little girls aged 5 and 18 months old. I was made redundant in 2012 and since then, with the support of my husband, I became a SAHM. I was actually very happy to be able to be around my eldest daughter all the time and I felt lucky to be able to see her grow.
In the meantime I got pregnant again with my second daughter and I was enjoying the time with both my girls. When my little one was about 7 months old and her schedules were more manageable I thought about doing something alongside being a SAHM. I always love making videos so I started my YouTube channel A Moment With Franca.
The name came after thinking that it will be me sharing with my followers some moments of my life. Alongside my channel, my blog which is also called A Moment With Franca was born in May 2015. It will soon be a year since I started blogging and it has been the most rewarding experience so far! I have had the most amazing opportunities and I have met so many people within the blogging world some of who I can even call my friends now. It is just a beautiful community.
My blog is an extension of me and my life. I write about anything that I enjoy or that I fancy talking about. I love going to events, something that has become quite prominent in my blog as well as doing reviews. I also love running giveaways. My blog has grown quickly in just 9 months that I’m completely amazed about it all. I see it now as my job and I’m incredibly lucky to have a job that I love so much and I feel so passionate about it.
During this time I have written 187 posts and the ones that I love the most are:
At the end of last year, I started a new linky called #KCACOLS (Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday) and it has become a lovely community. It is open every Saturday at 10 pm until Wednesday at midnight and of course you are welcome to join me.
Connect with me here:
Blog - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube - Instagram - Pinterest - Google+
Now, let's link up
Please remember these three rules:- To comment on at least two of the other posts and spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter - you can find us on twitter here: Stephanie - @LifeAt139a and Morgan - @MorganPrinceCom
- Your post has to have been written in the last week.
- Please include the PoCoLo badge on your post.