Helloooo! Friday again, and we've got something special for you today. And I mean really special, but we'll get onto that in a moment. If you're new here - welcome, and if you've been here before - welcome back. Either way, it's great to see you.
This week I've had a haircut and found myself rushing through Greenwich Park two evenings to make sure I'm out before the gates shut. With the clocks going back next week I'm going to need to rethink my journey home, or at least be prompt at leaving work!
I did get a chance to wander through the Flower Garden though one evening, and this shot of one of the hydrangeas made it all worthwhile. I really do need to get myself one for the garden. They are a bit of a blogger cliche, but they are still oh so beautiful!
The #BloggerShowcase Questions: Morgan from Morgan's Milieu
We haven't had a #BloggerShowcase for a couple of weeks and we don't think that's because no one wants to take part, but we think having a blank piece of paper to start with might be making it harder than it needs to be. So we've put together some questions to bring some structure to this feature.
And we thought it would be fun to answer those questions ourselves this week. Below I'm sharing Morgan's responses and over on her blog Morgan is hosting my answers. Do pop over there and see how I've answered the questions and learn more about me!
1. Who are you?
I'm Morgan, I'm 35 years old and a stay-at-home mum to my two boys, LP (7yrs old) and BP (12yrs old). I've been a stay-at-home mum since BP was born. I like spending my free time (when I get it) building Lego sets like my Taj Mahal and Tower Bridge and I occasionally enjoy piecing together jigsaws. I'm a bit of an introvert and prefer being on my own or in a small group of people.
2. How did you discover blogging?
It was about 6 or 7 years ago, I'd just finished reading a great book by Heather Killough-Walden and did a search for more of her books. I stumbled across her blog and got reading, I was hooked. It was then that I began writing.
3. Why did you start blogging?
Unlike most parenting bloggers it was not to keep an online diary of my boys' lives. I began blogging as an aspiring author. I was writing a novel and spent a lot of time reading authors' blogs and learning about how I should be writing a blog myself. I started my blog as a writer but it was just because I thought I had to. It wasn't until I began spending more time on the blog than on the novel that I realised how much I enjoyed blogging.
4. What do you find most challenging?
Balance. The balance between being a mum and keeping the house running smoothly and blogging. Blogging takes up a lot of time and sometimes it can spill into the time I generally save for my boys. It's tough keeping them separate.
5. What is your favourite topic to write about?
Being a stay-at-home mum and being proud of that. Most of my posts come from my experience as a SAHM and through the years I've battled with self-doubt and loathing because I didn't earn the money. I'd like to think that my blog posts on this topic help other SAHM's realise that they're doing an important job and just because they don't earn the money doesn't mean they're not valued.
6. Are you blogging for fun or do you have goals?
I've always had goals with my blogging, it started out as an outlet for my author side and since switching to a parenting blog it's now my chance to do something helpful for others. Eventually I'd love to earn a living wage from blogging but I'm in no hurry. I don't need it to happen this year, or even in the next 2 years. I'll keep chipping away slowly at my own pace, I think this will help me not get burnt out and I'll still be around in 10 years!
7. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
The people. I know everyone says this but that's because it is true. Every single blogger you interact with is caring, helpful, and always on hand to answer questions if you need them. Even when I think I'm being totally rubbish and not helping others they're still there to help. Bloggers are a lovely bunch and I wouldn't want to be without them.
8. Have you ever attended a blogging conference and if so, what did you think?
I have - I went to Blogfest 2015 (that was my first) and I attended BML 16 in June too. I loved them both but for different reasons. Blogfest was terrifying, mostly because it was my first conference and I had no idea what to expect, but at the same time I had a great day. I learnt a lot and it helped my confidence. BML16 (BritMums Live) was more about the people, meeting people I'd spoken to online hundreds of times, listening to other bloggers and their thoughts, finding like-minded people and knowing I was in the company of friends. They are a great way of meeting the people you interact with all the time and you may even learn a few things too. That's why I'll be going to Blogfest 2016 in a few weeks.
9. What are your three best posts?
This is a tough one because it really depends on what mood I'm in, but here's 3 of my faves:
10. Describe yourself in three words
I do hate these questions (Grr Stephanie!) - erm... Busy writing mum, I think that about sums me up!
11. Are you a tea and biscuits or coffee and cake person?
Gotta be coffee and cake for me! I'll occasionally have tea but not often and I rarely have biscuits in the house but coffee is a must and well cake is just a given right?
12. What's your idea of the perfect night out?
The Hubby and I going to a quiet restaurant and eating a tasty meal then heading to the cinema to see a romantic comedy. Heading home knowing the boys are staying with their Aunt so I don't have to worry about morning breakfast duties.
13. And the perfect night in?
Again the Hubby and I watching one of our favourite movies. Popcorn, snacks, and drinks are sorted and the boys are in bed so we can get on with the movie, uninterrupted.
14. What would your best friend/OH/Mum or kids say is your best quality?
Grr to Stephanie again - I can never settle on something when asked these kind of questions. I'd like to think they'd say I'm caring, that I'm always there for people when they need me, but who knows, it depends what mood they were in when asked I guess!
Thanks Morgan, and apologies for those Grr questions. if it's any help I also found some of the questions - especially number 14 - hard to answer, but I managed! How would you answer, get in touch with us, we'd love to share your answers.
And I'm so pleased we get to meet again at Blogfest!
Some new badges for #PoCoLo
I told you we had lots to share this week, didn't I? I need to thank Morgan as she's been super busy over the past few weeks and has given our #PoCoLo badge a makeover, and I love them. I hope you do too. And as well as a new badge, we've also now got a featured badge. So new questions, new badges, we really are spoiling you!
We would love to feature you and find out more about you, so whether you're a regular linker or have joined us more recently we want to share more about you.