Hello there and welcome to another week of Post Comment Love. And really our first week of autumnal weather, I think. It's been great to see lots of you continue to link up and both Morgan and I are pleased to see you each week. We really are a friendly bunch so if you're new to #PoCoLo then welcome, we hope you enjoy being part of our community.
This week I've dug out my scarf for the autumnal mornings, and I've been grateful for that. I'm resisting a proper coat for the moment and am relying on a chunky cardy. I'm not a fan of coats, but sometimes I know needs must, but I think the gloves will make an appearance first. But who knows.
It's been a busy week work-wise, not a bad one, just busy. Lunches have been short and days have been long. I had a shock during the week too as I thought I'd treat us to a bottle of wine, but MOH though I was having him on as somehow I'd bought low alcohol wine. I know, not what I needed, and my first thought was why does this even exist.
Yesterday though I did get out for a wander at lunchtime and I stopped to snap the exterior of the Painted Hall. And I noticed something I hadn't before, can you see what's unusual in this picture?
Yes, instead of a clock, it has compass points. I assume this is a naval link as it's right on the Thames, but so far I've not found out for sure. But I did wonder why I'd not noticed it before.
#BloggerShowcase - could it be you?
We've plenty of free slots for our Blogger Showcase spot, so if you're working on some content to send to us there's no time like the present. It could be you next week. If you're wondering what the Blogger Showcase is, then it's an opportunity for you to share the best bits of your blog, your social media channels and some of your favourite posts. So if it could be you, please get in touch.
Now, let's link up
Please remember these three rules:- To comment on at least two of the other posts and spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter - you can find us on twitter here: Stephanie - @LifeAt139a and Morgan - @MorganPrinceCom
- Your post has to have been written in the last week.
- Please include the PoCoLo badge on your post.