Post Comment Love 3-5 December

Welcome to this week’s #PoCoLo - a friendly linky which I co-host with Suzanne, where you can link any post published in the last week. We know you’ll find some great posts to read, and maybe some new-to-you blogs too, so do pop over and visit some of the posts linked and share some of that love. If you were here last week it was great to have you along, if you’re new here this week we’re pleased you’re here.

It’s been a fairly mundane, run of the mill week here following the most recent Covid rule changes around masks. We haven’t stopped wearing masks in shops, and while they’re not something I ever thought would become so mainstream, they are hardly onerous to wear. I don’t understand the reasoning behind only part of the rule changes here - in shops and on public transport, but not in hospitality settings. Well, I do - but the logic doesn’t stack up for me, it smacks of the government playing games. Again.

But anyway, this week the photo I’ve shared is one from the gardens at Belvoir Castle in Leicestershire which we had a good wander around after exploring the castle itself. I think the gardeners were, like many gardeners around the country, still catching up with the tasks after no doubt not being able to work in the gardens during lockdown. But even so, the shapes and patterns of the hedges were fantastic - and certainly eye catching.