Post Comment Love 18-20 November

Welcome to this week’s #PoCoLo - a friendly linky which I co-host with Suzanne, where you can link any blog post published in the last week. We know you’ll find some great posts to read, and maybe some new-to-you blogs too, so do pop over and visit some of the posts linked and share some of that love. If you were here last week it was great to have you along, if you’re new here this week we’re pleased you’re here.

Oh dear, I’m going to be talking about the weather again, which is very British of me. But it’s been dire. So much rain, we’re definitely making up for those hot and drought filled months in the summer. There’s been very little let up in the weather, so I’ve taken very few photographs of anything interesting so I’m sharing one which seemed appropriate, but still inspiring, from our trip to Devon back in September.

The other news this week is that I’ve started my Christmas gift shopping, and parcels are regularly arriving which is good news. I’m starting to plan our menus for the Christmas period, but nothing’s ever easy is it? This year avian flu is decimating many flocks, which must be heartbreaking and hopefully not bankrupting poultry farmers across the country. We’re debating whether or not to have turkey, or perhaps try something different this year. What are your plans?

waterlilies on a pond - lots of leaves, and one deep crimson flower