Finishing my teal granny holiday project

Increasingly part of my packing list is which crochet project I’m taking away with us, and for our August trip to Lincolnshire that was no different. Holiday crochet is best served by something that requires little thought and attention and after the success of my mustard campfire granny, I was keen to try another. And one that MOH would use at home if the stars ever align again for us to use our fire pit again!

Along the way I acquired some wool from my mum, and with no real plan - other to keep the indigo and green alternating as constants - I welcomed the additions. As it turned out above every 10 alternate rows or so I used a bolder colour, whether that was yellow, pink or purple - and that worked out well too I think.

Apart from when I ran out of purple about 10 trebles from the final corner, which is where the black made an impromptu substitution and bagged itself a place in the border for continuity. This one is about five rows bigger than the mustard one, and again that’s a conscious decision to make it more useable.

As it turned out, it’s also a really good match for the colours we have in our main living room - which was completely unintentional, but welcome. And it also gave me a great place to take some photos, as well the weather’s not very fire-pit like at the moment. I’m hopeful though…


It turned out pretty well, I think - and I don’t think it’ll be my last great granny!