The Garden Year: October 2023

My September gardening appears to have been dominated by cutting our lavender bushes - we have many in our new garden, at least six or seven, and none have been cut since they’ve been planted. The joys of a new build house, though I know I’m lucky that we have any plants (and grass) in our garden at all so this isn’t a complaint.

At least my major work this month has been fragrant - and rewarding, it’s great to see them take shape again, whilst remembering not to cut into the old wood.

Our gardening efforts are punctuated by when the brown bin will be emptied, and more often than not we’re out there - me with my lavender task, and MOH cutting the grass - the day before the bin is due to be collected. But at least we’re out there, we’ve also been visiting some National Trust gardens, so I’ll be sharing more about our visit to Hidcote and Killerton on my blog over the next month.

Enjoy your garden this month, there’s still plenty to be done - and if we’re lucky the weather will be on our side too!

Advice, inspiration and places to visit

A single purple flower head on the left doused in dew

Photo by Elisa H on Unsplash
