Post Comment Love 11 - 13 January

Hello there - Happy New Year - and welcome to this week’s #PoCoLo a friendly linky where you can link any post published this year! Well, it is our first link-up of the year and it’s great to be back, and good to see you back too. Both Morgan and I know you’ll find some great posts to read, and encourage you to pop over to some of the posts linked and take the time to leave a comment or two so that everyone benefits from some extra love.

I do like the start of new years, it’s the best time for reflecting and planning, and you know I do like a plan. Sadly mine are never as pretty or as organised as the picture below. I start off with good intentions but then somewhere something goes awry, or plans change. One of my strengths is flexibility and it’s also my strength in overdrive, and too much of a good thing is not always good.

Blogger Showcase: Gabrielle from The Opinionated One

Gabrielle is a health, beauty, religion and lifestyle blogger from North Carolina, whose job calls for writing but is nothing compared to writing her blog. She’s a cat named Rum Tum (from Cats the Musical) and her best quality according to her husband is her rationality. You can read Gabrielle’s full answers on Morgan’s blog this week, but before you go pop over to her social channels and say hello: Twitter - Instagram - Facebook