Reflecting on my week #135

Well this weekend was definitely a weekend of two days weather-wise here. Sunny and sun lounger weather on Saturday, much less so on Sunday. Both though have been relatively easy days for us. I’ve realised that I’m not really switching off from work, or being online at the moment, and so something needed to be done. I thought perhaps some crafting would help, and I’m sure it would have, but I was in a dither about what and where to start, so another plan was needed.

I realised that I’d not read a book since before lockdown. I also know how good they are for taking some time. So this weekend that’s what I did. I could have read an e-book on my iPad, but I opted to go old school and picked up one of the actual books mum had shared with me. It wasn’t particularly high-brow, and the plot turned out to be pretty predictable, but you know what. It’s just what I needed. And the sun lounger setting wasn’t so bad either.

feet up, book out, a sunlounger afternoon

I finished it today, and was pleased to have done so. But also pleased as it held my attention more than an e-book might have done. I am an obsessive book reader, so losing myself in this was good for me, this weekend. I know I’ve another busy week ahead and so it was good preparation, and an enjoyable book!

This weekend I also realised just how much I’d missed eating out. We headed to a local restaurant, Copper & Ink, which I’ve mentioned here before. Even with its Covid-secure arrangements it’s still as good as ever, and we’ll be heading back, both for an in-restaurant experience and to take advantage of their takeaway options too. As ever I only thought about photos once my plate was clean…

an empty plate with fork and spoon

As ever we went for the easy choice and very tasty option of the tasting menu. What I especially love about this restaurant is how willing and prepared they are to swap out dishes for people with allergens. So instead of the crab cakes and crab bisque, for me it was a fantastic chicory citrus salad. We also opted for the wine pairings and a couple of cocktails. And I’ve got my eye on the octopus salad for takeout - and yes, i’m ok with octopus, semi-ok with crab - but it’s not something I want to put to the test, just in case and less ok with some other seafood. Yes, my body is weird, but it’s how it is.

It has been a funny week here, starting with some potential redundancy news for MOH. During the week that confirmed itself, and what will be will be, and in truth he’s been waiting for it to make itself known. We won’t know more until the end of the summer, but I’m sure he won’t be the only one facing this kind of wait, and for some, it will be a lot more anxious.

We woke on Sunday to rain. Complete contrast to the previous day, and the snails were making the most of it, sliming all over my agapanthus and some of our beans, which seem to have tripled in size overnight.

agapanthus starting to flower in the rain
salad leaves from the garden

One thing about working from home - and last week as week 17, that’s over four months - is that we can pop out to the garden to pick our salad leaves for lunch. That’s pretty special, and they are way tastier than those bags of salad. I think we’ve a few more weeks working from home ahead of us, and hopefully plenty more salad pickings too. Though I probably should sow some more, just to make sure.