The Garden Year: July 2021

Hello there and welcome back to my garden linky, which opens on the 1st of the month and stays open for the whole month - you can link up at any time. You’re welcome to link any posts that have a garden theme - this could be your garden, the plants you’re growing or the gardens you visit, or anything in between - just so long as it’s related to gardening.

Once again I’m sharing more from Alan Titchmarsh and collating information in these posts which is widely available in the public domain.

Plants in their prime this month

July is peak flowering for most gardens with perennials, bedding plants, containers and hanging baskets - I’m sure that we can all visualise those, I know I can. And visualise is what I need to do, my garden’s not much of a flower garden and as MOH has said in the past, is mostly green.

But we do have some flowers, and our agapanthus are doing well this year - we’ve about eight flower bunds on each plant, which I’d kept covered up much longer than usual.

As well as agapanthus, look out for fuchsias, pelargoniums, lavender, penstemons and crocosmias. All bring great colour, and some great scent to the garden.

What to do in the garden this month

  • Deadhead, deadhead and deadhead again.

  • Keep vegetables well watered if it’s dry, which depending on where you are, may not be necessary right now, but if we ever get warmer weather it’ll be essential.

  • Grow new strawberry plants from the runners - plants for free, always a plus in my book.

Watch out for, get ahead and last chance

  • Watch out for containers drying out.

  • Get ahead by ordering spring flowering bulbs.

  • Last chance to plant out those bargain bedding plants.
