Just before Lockdown Loos

It’s been a while since I’ve had a Loo Series post, so as I’ve got one from just before lockdown, and because I’m lamenting my second cancelled hair appointment, I’m sharing it today. We’d popped to Norfolk in the middle of March as we thought that things were about to change, in fact they changed after the following weekend, so our timing was spot on. We’d gone out for dinner to the Rose & Crown in Snettisham, which was a lovely place and one we’d go back to, and which had been on my parents’ to visit list since they moved to Norfolk in the early 2000s, so it was good to unknowingly tick it off their list.

please wash your hands

At the time I was three weeks into my haircut cycle, with an appointment booked at the start of April. That didn’t happen, and my appointment was rearranged for yesterday, which clearly didn’t happen either. So now it’s 11 weeks since my last haircut, which for a regular six-weeker is quite disconcerting, and it’s what I’m liking least about the lockdown. Which makes me sound quite vain, but as my hair grows out as well as down, I have a lot more hair than I’m used to - there’s a reason why I have short hair and have it cut regularly.

Of course I’m not the only one missing their hair appointment, which means when they do reopen appointments won’t be happening immediately either. That’s frustrating too, though I’m decided that I will be taking the first appointment I can, even if that’s during the day. I’ve considered letting MOH loose on my hair, not just the fluffy bits on the back of my neck, but then again I’m not sure he’s qualified. I’m not qualified to cut my fringe and thin the shorter side, and it doesn’t and hasn’t stopped me, but that’s me doing it to me, not him. I’m not sure he’d be so keen either.

mirrors with crowns at the Rose & Crown in Snettisham

But anyway, back to the loos as you can see the advice to wash your hands was clearly on display. While essential, they weren’t a patch on the other artwork. Plenty of red, now that’s much more my thing.

beaucoup de rouge artwork

The pub was busy when we went, perhaps that’s usual, or perhaps everyone else was expecting the lockdown too. We sat in an area towards the back, which as we’d parked in the road at the front meant we had to weave our way through the whole building. It was worth it though, both the food, decor and service were great and it’s easy to see why they’ve won the awards they have.

fairylights and rustic style back in the restaurant

And just to prove my point about the length of my hair, and so this becomes part of my lockdown story. Three weeks in to my haircut and my hair’s not even at my chin - it’s also a lot less grey! And excuse my face, I’ve no idea what or why I’m pulling the face, in my defence it’s the only one I have!

me - remembering how short my hair was

Here’s looking forward to being able to visit family, restaurants and, sorry mum and dad, having my hair cut!