Ah, it’s Press Day at Chelsea today and while I didn’t get a pass this year (boo!) as I sat down to write this post I couldn’t help but remember my day there last year with fond memories. I’m sorry to be missing it, as it really was the most enjoyable day, but I’m also keen to see the highlights of the show on the tv programme throughout the week. I’ve still plenty of photos to share from my visit- I’m not sure where the year has gone, so perhaps it’s no bad thing I’m not there, after all.
Last week was its usual busy self, and there was some sun wasn’t there, which was most welcome. Although it seems my body is having the strangest of times with the sun this year. Over Easter while topping up my natural Vitamin D, I caught a little bit too much sun and had some very silly tan lines, which still persist. It seems this year my skin is either embracing those rays or ignoring them completely, nothing in the middle, which is quite odd (for me).
As the weather improves though so does my ability to actually take a short lunch break; on Monday a sandwich in the sun and Tuesday discovering what could be dangerous to me, a yarn shop in Greenwich, but a little more on that later in the week.
As exams complete and the end of term approaches, there’s been a noticeable shift in activities at work. There’s ‘end of year’ celebrations and starting to look ahead to September, although I’ve much to fit in before then, including some more holidays, but somehow it’s been a week without many photos, and none that relate to this post, which is unusual, so instead I’m including a photo with a nod to Chelsea!
This weekend was earmarked for plenty of gardening, as we’ve seriously fallen behind in our plans to maximise green bin space and reclaim some of our border space. somehow though it was hijacked with a trip into town, meeting up with family and a couple of meals out, one of which was the largest roast dinner ever, or so it seemed as I munched my way through the Yorkshire pudding, trying to find some space on the plate for vegetables.
The tube journey home prompted me to read a book, I think if I commuted again I’d read a lot more, but then again that’s a bit drastic really isn’t it? I started a book - The Stolen Marriage by Diane Chamberlain, which I highly recommend - on the way home from our impromptu shopping trip early evening on Saturday, and had finished it by lunchtime Sunday.
I love books that draw you in and immerse you entirely, and which encourage under the cover reading when you wake in the small hours, but they don’t always make me the most productive person, which is, I think, why my reading at the moment is so sporadic. But with a holiday on the horizon that could change!