Reflecting on my week #126

We made the most of our weekend not going to Devon! Thankfully the weather helped. Wasn’t it glorious, and so good to feel some warmth from the sun. We spent a large chunk of Friday gardening, more on that later, and then a much larger chunk of Saturday enjoying the weather. Our laburnum tree is in full flower now and looks best against the bluest skies. Though we’ve learnt this weekend that it seems to set off MOH’s hayfever, oops…

blue skies, yellow laburnum

This is just a short update as I posted my weekly update so far into the week last week, but there has already been more lockdown baking. This is a habit that we should keep up, as I’m sure our home-baked treats are far better for us than anything we’d buy at work. I think that’s probably why I’ve been able to tighten my belt by a hole already - long may that continue.

lockdown baking continues with banana chocolate muffins

Like everyone else my bananas are also ripening more quickly than we’re eating. So having already made banana bread, a good few weeks ago, this time I opted for Nigella’s chocolate banana muffins. Super quick, and a good result, both of which are good for me as a lazy baker, and our tea breaks this week are sorted.

While we spent time in the garden over the weekend we often had the company of a neighbour’s cat, who got braver the more time we spent in the same space. In true feline style, being up high was preferable, and the tree camouflage almost perfect.



We have lots to do in the garden - it’s the time of year where we always have plenty to keep us busy. I was keen though to sort out the fence, which is thankfully behind the fatsia, and which the previous tenant next door had got trigger happy tackling the ivy. Unfortunately they also unearthed a very delicate fence, and quite soon after moved out leaving the ivy to die and look a real sight. New tenants have moved in, and have temporarily moved out of London for the lockdown, and so I was keen to tidy this part of the garden up.

removing the dead ivy and leaving some actual fence there
my fading camellia is still beautiful
tying in prickly plants, like this holly

It was never going to be pretty, mainly because I refuse to replace a fence panel that isn’t ours, we can’t really see and which could have been tackled more sympathetically. But with some wire mesh, patience and some plants, should in time recover. You might have seen on Instagram stories at the weekend that I’m calling this the prickly trellis, and it’s a name that works well on many levels, but mainly because the largest plants I’ll be encouraging to grow are holly and pyracantha, both of which were handily growing within tie-in-able distance.

The plus side was being able to spend time admiring the camellia, which while fading is still as beautiful - it’s having a good spring, despite flowering much later than our neighbours.

Take care, stay safe and if the weather forecast is anything to go by, stay dry.