Reflecting on my week #69

The snow did arrive. Sort of. But like for many in London it fell overnight and had turned to slush by the next morning, which made for a wet walk to work Friday morning. Saturday morning there was some more but by the time we arrived home on Sunday, this was all that was left.


Saturday turned into a morning of post-Christmas admin; a couple of the presents I’d ordered hadn’t arrived and so I’d asked for a refund. What could have been troublesome turned out to be pretty straightforward in the end, with two refunds already paid. One is easy to replace, it’s a monthly gin subscription so they’ll be another bottle along next month; the other less so, it was hard enough to find this in the first place!

But in the meantime there’s crochet. Both my t-shirt yarn basket and the Vintage Hearts blanket have had an airing this week. It’s the former that has me captivated though and has grown since I last shared it here. It’s fascinating to see how the t-shirt yarn, which I’m cutting up old t-shirts to make, turns out.


The latest creamy yellow stripe is actually from a bright yellow t-shirt with daisies on. It looks much more mellow here, but it’s working well I think. The pink you can see on the navy stripe is the interlocked seams. Everything I’ve seen on the internet says to use seamless t-shirts, which would have been much more useful to know many years ago when these were bought, to make your own yarn. I don’t have these and as these baskets are destined for practical storage, I’m using what I’ve got, and it seems to be going ok, although I’m not convinced it will stand up on its own.

We’ll see, or actually maybe we won’t as I’ve got quite a bit earmarked for these so I think they’re going to be pretty full so most likley won’t have the opportunity to stand up on their own in any case.

I did get that massage, and it seems to have done the trick as I’ve a lot more mobility in my lower back. It was one of those massages that’s painful, and you’re never sure when you should breathe or if moving is considering wimpish behaviour. By the end of it I was completely zonked, and dehydrated too so spent the afternoon taking it easy and drinking water.

The therapist said my back was quite knotty - not a surprise to me - and that at times she’d needed to use her elbows - yikes! No wonder at times I was wondering what was going on. Apparently I need some more, and despite the pain, I think I’ll book with the same girl again.

What it has highlighted though is that I don’t drink enough water, so I’m trying to make amends for that. I’ve discovered a new-to-me app -HabitShare - which is likely to appeal to my list keeping self, and I hope help in the longer term too.

USA 50+2?

Conversations here have turned to holidays, and I know I’ve said it before, but this year we could finally be heading off for our big States trip. And I’ve a month in mind too. There’s still a lot more planning to do, but our big holiday to celebrate our big birthday could turn into a big birthday +2 holiday, but better late than never, hey?

More homework, and planning - and perhaps even a nice new notebook - is definitely needed.