It seems that no sooner has Valentine’s Day been and gone that the shops are putting up their displays of cards and gifts for Mother’s Day, the next celebratory day in the calendar. And one that many of us will be on the lookout for the perfect gift for.
If you’ve not registered the date yet, it’s the 31st March, and it’s one that we don’t want to miss isn’t it?
Getting our cards and gift choices right for our mum is important, as while we recognise what mums do throughout the year, often we don’t always take the chance to show it. It’s the one day of the year that getting it right is important, we know that the others are too, but on Mother’s Day and all that it stands for it’s especially important and that’s something the Card Factory can help with, and not just with the perfect card - although there’s plenty of them to choose from!
The photos above are just a few of the Mother’s Day cards on display in the relatively new Card Factory shop in Hunstanton, these are just a few - I told you there was plenty of choice… It’s the first time I’ve been in there, but it might have been there longer than I think as with everything else going on last year, we didn’t get up to Norfolk as much as we’d have liked, or as much as normal.
But it got me thinking, what are the questions we should ask ourselves so that whatever we choose for our mums matches their personality and style. Your mum might be highly creative, pay attention to detail, feel energised when she’s around other people and regularly helps others in need, dealing with stress well, or more likely displays some of these personality traits on a daily basis, often without a second thought
What does your mum want?
If you ask her, no doubt, she’ll probably say nothing, unless there’s something she really does want. In which case, my advice would be, get that. But even if she says nothing, all is not lost. Consider her hobbies, is there something that she’s mentioned in conversation lately, could that have been a hint, think back (but not too far).
What does your mum deserve?
Gestures don’t always need to be grand, or expensive. Thoughtful is always better than lavish. Perhaps it’s the thing that mum mentioned, perhaps it’s something that you’ve made yourself, perhaps it’s something that will make her smile or perhaps it’s something sentimental that reminds her of you.
Does it feel right for your mum?
You know your mum, you know her likes and dislikes, her humour, her hobbies and even her favourite colour, so you’ll know if it feels right for your mum. Sometimes you’ll find the perfect gift straight away, and other times it takes a little more time, but you know when it’s right, it’s right, and your mum will too.
What other questions or advice/tips would you add to the list?
* This is a collaborative post but as usual, all words, thoughts and images are my own.