On Friday I said I'd noticed how plain our top spare bedroom was looking, and it's something I've been thinking about lately. On one of my recent clear outs, which could also be called a move-things-around out I rediscovered two bedside light bases which we haven't used for a while, but weren't ready to throw out. With an eye on sprucing up our top bedroom and another on using the things we have, I wondered if I could redeploy them.
We had bedside lights in this bedroom, but the lamp bases I found were nicer even though they weren't a matching pair. We decided they didn't need to match and that "mix and matching" was the way to go. The lampshades we had on the existing bedside lights were ok - I'd bought them in Laura Ashley a good few years back, but we felt like it was time for a change.
So with a plan we headed into Greenwich to check out the lampshades and many designs in Lush Designs, aiming to leave with something much funkier. I'd looked at their website and knew that I liked several of the designs, but couldn't narrow it down to what I wanted. I'd decided that choosing just one LUSH lampshade was going to be too hard, so I was looking for two complimentary designs to continue my mix and match approach.
We soon left with one lampshade and another on order. Now we've got them both and they're both in situ, what do you think?
This lampshade is called Landscape and it's easy to see why! This is the smallest size in grey. The lamp base is one that MOH brought from his flat and although it's brass and quite traditional I think it works well with this modern shade.
The design of the second lampshade is called London and is in cream and black, again in the smallest size. It's actually a different size shade to the other one by a tiny bit, but as the bases are different designs and heights too I really don't think this matters. And I think I'm really making a case for that Little Greene's Hampstead paper aren't I? It would go so well with this shade, well both of them really...
MOH isn't so sure about the mix and matchy bit but as we've got them now they're staying. And in case you're wondering about the handmade lace pieces that they're standing on, my mum made them both and now I've got the perfect home for them as well.