Meanwhile, back at The Tree...

I was late again popping over and seeing the tree that I'm following - you can see previous updates and more about "my" Paulownia Tomentosa here - then when I did get there it was probably on one of the greyest, dreariest days we've had for a while. And it had just started to rain...

So while these first few photos may look as if they're black and white, they're not. It really was that grey here yesterday. But thankfully the rain was only light and eased off relatively quickly when I was out.  I was out on my new trusty bike and I wasn't sure about getting that wet at all!

There's very little signs of life yet, but the branches remain tall and upright. Spring has not sprung for my tree yet, although there's blossom starting to appear on other trees in the area.

The one thing about there not being any leaves yet, is that you can clearly see the trunk and its bark.  And it stands out nicely against the brick wall behind.

The rain too brought an interest I wasn't expecting, with raindrops hanging from the more horizontal branches.

And I couldn't finish this post without showing you a glimpse of my new transport, which insisted on posing for a shot in front of the tree...

Linking up with Lucy's monthly Tree Following over at Loose and Leafy.